Your Facebook account has a SECRET second News Feed - here's how to find it

FACEBOOK has pushed-out a secret second News Feed to some users. Here's how to find it.

By Aaron Brown, Express Affiliate Development Editor with 10 years of experience writing about the latest developments in consumer technology, product reviews, and buying advice

Facebook has started to roll-out a secret second News Feed to some usersFACEBOOK • GETTY

Facebook has started to roll-out a secret second News Feed to some users

Facebook users have been left baffled by the introduction of a small rocket ship icon in the Facebook smartphone app.

Those who can see the new symbol within their app are part of a trial for a new second News Feed.

This secret new feature is completely different from the normal timeline that greets users on the social network's homepage.

Tapping on the rocket icon will swap between the traditional News Feed – which is populated by posts, photos, videos and other updates from your friends, family, and official brand or fan pages you follow – and a new Explore feed.

The latter shows you pictures and videos – even if you do not follow the source.

will generate the content for the Explore feed based on your personal preferences, previously liked pages and posts, as well as content that you and your friends have watched and enjoyed in the past.

The small rocket icon has appeared in some users' Facebook appFACEBOOK • APPLE

The small rocket icon has appeared in some users' Facebook app

It's a clever new idea that should let Facebook users explore content outside the echo-chamber of whatever their friends post.

The algorithms that govern the traditional News Feed are designed to promote content based on things you've liked in the past – creating an endless cycle of similar content, in which social media users rarely see anything challenging or new.

Facebook has not confirmed when the Explore feed will be rolled-out to users worldwide.

According to reports on social media, the new trial feed is being pushed-out to some iPhone and Android owners.

The news comes as would no longer be supported by its hugely-popular Facebook Messenger app.

or earlier.

Those who use an iPhone or a recent version of Android do not need to panic.

Facebook has purportedly started to email those who will be affected by the upcoming device cull.

"Thank you for choosing to use Messenger," the email reads.

"We regret to inform you that since the end of March, the app version you’re using is no longer supported and you can no send and receive messages."

It adds – "To continue to send and receive messages from Facebook on your phone, update your Facebook app to the latest version."

Facebook has rolled-out a number of new features to its Messenger client in recent weeks.

The world's most successful social network recently added Stories – a feature that lets users sum up their week with short video clips, photographs, GIFs and more.

The new addition was heavily criticised for its similarity to SnapChat Stories.

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