Facebook wants to be YOUR new landlord, but would you trust it?

FACEBOOK could be your next landlord, thanks to a new scheme that will see the US social network design 1,500 new homes, which will be rented by the general public – not just Facebook employees.

By Aaron Brown, Express Affiliate Development Editor with 10 years of experience writing about the latest developments in consumer technology, product reviews, and buying advice

Believe it or not, Facebook is about to get involved in property development GETTY

Believe it or not, Facebook is about to get involved in property development

Facebook wants to be your next landlord. But would you trust the social network?

As part of its efforts to drum up support for a controversial headquarters expansion, Facebook has pledged to give back to the community by planning and designing at least 1,500 housing units in the area.

The social network says it does not want to exacerbate income inequality in areas, so has promised 15 per cent of the new homes will go to low or middle income families.

The remaining 85 per cent of the building will most likely to be occupied by wealthy Silicon Valley entrepreneurs and Facebook employees.

Facebook is trying to win support to expand its headquarters, located in Menlo Park, San Mateo County, California, by a staggering 1.1 million square feet. 

However the presence of the world's largest social network in the area has not been without controversy.

Mark Zuckerberg hopes the 1,500 homes will help resolve income inequality in the areaGETTY

Mark Zuckerberg hopes the 1,500 homes will help resolve income inequality in the area

Earlier this year, the World Bank published a 330-page report that showed how large technology companies, including Facebook, were increasing income inequality, rather than helping it.

The report said: "Many advanced economies face increasingly polarised labour markets and rising inequality – in part because technology augments higher skills while replacing routine jobs, forcing many workers to compete for low-paying jobs."

Facebook has attracted thousands of new residents to the Menlo Park area, causing local house prices to spiral.

In 2013, the California-based social network created a 394-unit community within walking distance of the Facebook headquarters that included its own outdoor pool, pet daycare and bar.

The news comes as details of a .

The Californian social network is believed to be preparing for the eventuality that Google one day removes Facebook's apps from its Play Store marketplace for competitive reasons.

As a result, Facebook tried to test the loyalty and patience of its Android users to the limit.

The US firm secretly rolled-out a slew of artificial errors within the Android app that would automatically crash the mobile app for hours at a time, a source has claimed.

The experiment was designed to test at what point a Facebook user would give-up and ditch the Facebook app from their device all-together.

Speaking anonymously to The Information, a source familiar with the one-time test, which is believed to have taken place a few years ago, said Facebook was never able to reach this threshold.

"People never stopped coming back," the source said.

or simply switch to the far-inferior mobile website while their Android app was artificially broken.

Former Facebook data scientist JJ Maxwell defended the move, saying tests like these are "hugely valuable" to the company and "their prerogative," The Verge reports.

Admittedly, Facebook is not alone – many technology firms quietly test new features on users. Google famously cycled between 41 different shades of blue on its homepage, to see which promoted the best response from its users.

But tweaking a shade of blue is very different to testing the loyalty of your users by deliberately crashing their access to the service.

Facebook promises to 'connect the world'GETTY

Facebook promises to 'connect the world'

Especially when you state your company mission is to "connect the world" and you have a feature – dubbed Safety Check – to allow users to log-in and signal to one another that they are safe in a time of disaster. It's critical to ensure people can stay connected. 

The latest revelation follows the controversial 2014 experiment which manipulated users' emotions using the Facebook News Feed.

Devised by the social network's on-staff data scientist, Facebook scientifically tweaked the News Feed of hundreds of thousands of users.

Some were sent an onslaught of upsetting or negative posts, while others were given a barrage of positive posts to another group.

A number of critics highlighted the potential dangers of this type of manipulation, following the publication of two separate studies from the University of Houston which linked Facebook to depression.

Entitled "Seeing Everyone Else's Highlight Reels: How Facebook Usage is Linked to Depressive Symptoms," the study provided evidence that Facebook users felt depressed when comparing themselves to others.

But Facebook data scientist and co-author of the study Adam Kramer said: "The reason we did this research is because we care about the emotional impact of Facebook and the people that use our product. We felt that it was important to investigate the common worry that seeing friends post positive content leads to people feeling negative or left out. 

"At the same time, we were concerned that exposure to friends' negativity might lead people to avoid visiting Facebook."

The type of data manipulation used during this controversial experiment is completely sanctioned by Facebook's Terms of Use.

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