This working Wallace and Gromit ejector bed might be the best alarm clock we've ever seen

PRESSING the snooze button is NOT an option.

By Aaron Brown, Express Affiliate Development Editor with 10 years of experience writing about the latest developments in consumer technology, product reviews, and buying advice

The high voltage bed could be a rude awakening YOUTUBE

The high voltage bed could be a rude awakening

Getting up in the morning can be a struggle.

If you are one of those people who repeatedly fumbles for the Snooze Button on your alarm clock – this could be the solution.

Inspired by Wallace and Gromit, wacky inventor Colin Furze – who admits to having a "constant disregard to health and safety" – has invented a high voltage ejector bed.

When its time to get up, the single mattress springs into life and throws the sleeper into the air.

"The Ejector bed is what you need if getting up in the morning is not your thing," writes Colin Furze on Youtube.

The viral video star's invention has been viewed some 336,000 times.

Watch the full video below – 

Colin Furze has also posted a separate video which details how he created the propulsion bed.

One viewer commented on the video, "I would just fall asleep again on the floor."

"This would be so useful," another posted "He should sell it."

Another simply added: "Cracking good cheese, Gromit."

YouTube star Colin Furze has built a bed which guarantees you'll never sleep through an alarm again YOUTUBE

YouTube star Colin Furze has built a bed which guarantees you'll never sleep through an alarm again

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