Einstein RING of FIRE proves Dark Matter is NOT dark after all, claims new research

RESEARCHERS claim to have 'seen' a clump of Dark Matter for the first time.

By Aaron Brown, Express Affiliate Development Editor with 10 years of experience writing about the latest developments in consumer technology, product reviews, and buying advice

An artists impression of Dark Matter's interaction in space, RIGHT, and the Einstein ring, LEFTGETTY•ALMA

An artists impression of Dark Matter's interaction in space, RIGHT, and the Einstein ring, LEFT

Scientists observed the Dark Matter clump through its distorting effects on light.

The parallel Universe going on around us has just got interesting

Professor Liliya Williams

The staggering phenomenon, dubbed "gravitational lensing", takes place when a massive galaxy or cluster of galaxies bends and warps light emitted from a more distant galaxy.

The resulting circle of distorted light – which appears like a burning ring of fire – has been dubbed an 'Einstein Ring'.

It was first predicted by Albert Einstein in his general theory of relativity in 1915.

Researchers have now claimed that gravitational lensing potentially rules out the standard theory of Cold Dark Matter, which claims that dark matter ONLY interacts with gravity.

Lead author Dr Richard Massey, Royal Society Research Fellow, in Durham University's Institute for Computational Cosmology, said: "We used to think that dark matter sits around, minding its own business.

"But if it slowed down during this collision, this could be the first dynamical evidence that dark matter notices the world around it.

"Dark matter may not be completely 'dark' after all."

Scientists observed Dark Matter through its effects on light, seen here in the Einstein Ring ALMA PH

Scientists observed Dark Matter through its effects on light, seen here in the Einstein Ring

Radio telescope antennas of the ALMAGETTY

Radio telescope antennas of the ALMA project

Dark Matter is believed to have a constraining effect – providing extra gravity to prevent galaxies, like the Milky Way, from flinging themselves apart as they spin in space.

Scientists believe Dark Matter provides the invisible, web-like matter that all binds visible matter together.

Dr Richard Massey and his team note that although they appear to have observed the offsetting of Dark Matter, more investigation is needed to discover the other potential effects that could be producing the lag between Dark Matter and the galaxy it hosts.

More observations are under way to confirm this interpretation.

Professor Liliya Williams, of the University of Minnesota, said: "Our observation suggests that dark matter might be able to interact with more forces than just gravity.

"The parallel Universe going on around us has just got interesting. 

"The dark sector could contain rich physics and potentially complex behaviour."

The study focused on the motion of individual galaxies in space.

Dr Massey added: "We are finally homing in dark matter from above and below - squeezing our knowledge from two directions.

"Dark matter, we're coming for you."

Gravitational lensing was first predicted by Albert Einstein in his general theory of relativity in 1915 GETTY

Gravitational lensing was first predicted by Albert Einstein in his general theory of relativity

What Is Dark Matter? 

Dark Matter is one of many hypothetical materials is used to explain a number of anomalies in the Standard Model – the all-encompassing theory science has used to explain the particles and forces of nature for the last 50 years.

The Standard Model of particle physics tells us that there are 17 fundamental particles which make up atomic matter.

The Higgs boson, which was first theorised by scientists during the 1960s, is amongst these 17 fundamental particles.

In summer 2012, scientists at CERN observed what is now believed to be the elusive "God particle".

But the Standard Model is as-yet unable to explain a number of baffling properties of the universe – including the fact that the universe is expanding at an ever-increasing speed.

Dark Matter is believed to be a web-like matter that binds visible matter together.

If it exists, it would explain why galaxies spin at the speed they do – something which remains unexplained based only on what we can currently observe.

Dark Matter is part of a theorised model of the universe dubbed supersymmetry.

Supersymmetry predicts that every known particle in the universe – including the 17 fundamental particles already observed at CERN – has a more massive partner.

"Massive" in this sense simply means that these theoretical particles have a mass. 

To date, no experiment has provided evidence for anything "supersymmetrical".

By recreating conditions close to the Big Bang, it is hoped the Large Hadron Collider will take supersymmetry from the realm of theory to observable physics.

The Standard Model does not yet hold an explanation for the force of gravity.

Top 10 Facts About Einstein

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