Pixel 4 fans suspect awesome Black Friday deals are coming... and you should believe them!

GOOGLE launched its flagship Pixel 4 smartphone last month with a 90Hz high-refresh rate OLED, facial recognition, and faster internals. But Google fans might not be racing to upgrade to the new device... and you might want to join them.

By Aaron Brown, Express Affiliate Development Editor with 10 years of experience writing about the latest developments in consumer technology, product reviews, and buying advice

Google Pixel 4 Price

Google only launched the Pixel 4 – sold at its full RRP – last month (Image: GETTY)

Google Pixel 4 fans aren’t rushing to upgrade to the new flagship smartphone. And for good reason.

A number of fans of the Google-designed hardware have warned others not to cough-up the Pixel 4 in the weeks following its launch. Instead, they’ve pointed-out that Google didn’t sell its previous phones for their full price for very long last time around, offering a discount the following month during the Black Friday sales.

In a post titled “Why I'm not pre-ordering the Pixel 4,” Reddit user u/Kenstar036 detailed why holding off buying a or Pixel 4 XL in the initial few weeks could be the best way to make sure you get value for money.

The post details, “Google will lower the price two weeks after it comes out and throw in a microwave with Google assistant for good measure. History has shown their colors.”

With more than 350 comments, it’s fair to say the post has struck a chord with the Google Pixel fanbase. Many of the comments are Reddit users praising the plan and how it could help them save money moving up to the latest Google hardware. Either that, or agreeing with u/Kenstar036 and sharing stories of when they’ve been burned in the past.

“Yeah I learned after buying my 3. Black Friday was bad then they doubled down at Christmas,” replied user u/Wizofsorts.

Another added: “I have regretted buying Google products early so much, but I'll give them props for one thing. Shortly after I bought my Pixel 2, they started to offer a free Google home mini with it, and even though I already had my new phone, I got an email from the Google store, offering me a free Home Mini.

“My purchase was already compete, but they sent it anyway, and I really appreciated that.”

Google Pixel 4 introduces new feature live caption

However, some Reddit users were less positive about their experience with the Google Store, posting: “Yup. After last year I will never preorder a phone from them again. The price and promotions went down before some people even received their phone. F**k that.”

Black Friday falls on Friday (obviously) November 29, 2019 this year. We’re expecting to see dozens of retailers drop prices across a range of popular categories, including smartphones, tablets, laptops, and more. Although the Pixel 4 is still a very new handset, it’s certainly possible that it will benefit from a discount on the day.

In fact, a leaked screenshot from US retailers suggest that's exactly what is going to happen in the United States. In one leaked advert, which was also posted on Reddit, suggests Google will discount all versions of its Pixel 4 by $200. That would mean the cheapest 64GB Pixel 4 would drop to $599, while the 64GB Pixel 4 XL would start from $699. Best Buy looks set to offer a (slightly) less generous $200 discount on the new Pixel.

Google Pixel 4 Black Friday UK Black Friday

Best Buy has already launched its Pixel 4, which sees a maximum of $400 slashed off the price (Image: BEST BUY)

Google Pixel 4 Black Friday UK Black Friday

...and it looks as if Google is also planning a serious discount to its new handset (Image: GOOGLE)

Whether these deals make it over to the UK remains unknown. However, it's worth noting that US deals on the Made By Google Store – like the hefty discounts seen on the Pixel 3 and Pixel 3 XL in the days before the Pixel 4 launch event – don't always travel across the pond.

And even if there isn’t anything slashed from the price itself, we might see some solid freebies and other perks added to the handset to encourage customers to upgrade.

Of course, this is all speculation at the moment. Although the Reddit forum is correct about the discounts applied to earlier Pixel hardware, that’s no guarantee that we’ll see exactly the same thing happen this time around. In fact, one dubious Pixel fan pointed this out in the discussion.

The user, known as u/OligarchyAmbulance, posted: “Or maybe they won't. The first Pixel never went on sale, it could just be because the 2 XL and 3 were panned in reviews, sold poorly, and they needed an incentive to get sales. If the Pixel 4 happens to be great/sells well they likely won't do the same sales. Nobody really knows.”

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