FLYING ANT PLAGUE: How to get rid of flying ants this summer as UK invasion hits

HOW TO get rid of flying ants in your house: 'Flying Ant Day' is upon us - and it's turning into flying ant week as millions of the pesky blighters take to the skies getting into your house, crawling over your clothes and getting stuck in your hair! But what's the best way to banish them from your home?

By Katrina Turrill, Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Disgusting swarm of black flying ants covers wall

Every year, flying ants seem to appear on the same day in across the  UK - and it's become so annoying as to have come to be known as ‘Flying Ant Day’. 

But in fact the flying ant period can last a few weeks. 

They’re most commonly found outside but can often invade your home through open door and windows during the summer months. 

Depending on the species they can pose a threat to your property, damaging wooden structures - but there are some easy ways using simple ingredients to eliminate them from your home. 


If you’ve noticed flying ants in your home but don’t want to kill them, you could use mint leaves as a natural repellent. 

Make a powder from dried mint leaves and put this around the area where the ants are nesting. After they appear to have disappears, make sure to seal the crack or hole where the ants are using to enter your house. 

This method does require some time however for the ants to be eradicated. 

Get rid of flying ants in your house

Get rid of flying ants using simple household ingredients (Image: GETTY)

Get rid of flying ants in your house

Get rid of flying ants: The critters can become a pest in your home (Image: GETTY)

Baking soda and sugar 

The combination of these ingredients can help to completely get rid of flying ants by exterminating the source - the nest. 

While baking soda is safe for humans it is toxic to ants. The sugar attracts the ants to the mixture and they can take it back to the nest. The ants die when they digest the baking soda and sugar. 

Dish soap 

Your regular dish soap can be a great way to stop flying ants from becoming a pest in your home. The soap sticks to the wings of the ants and stops them from flying. 

To use this method, mix one part dish soap with three parts water in a spray bottle. Mix this well then spray on flying ants. 

Get rid of flying ants in your house

Get rid of flying ants: Mint can act as a natural repellent to help eliminate them from your home (Image: GETTY)

Lemon juice spray 

The citric acid in lemon juice can act as an effective insecticide to keep the ants away. It also has the added advantage that it acts as a natural room freshener and is safe to use around the house. 

To create the spray, squeeze the juice from one to two lemons into a spray bottle then fill it with water. Shake the concoction well then spray it on the flying ants to eliminate them naturally. 

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