Apple cider vinegar - could adding it to your drink help get rid of headaches?

APPLE cider vinegar has a range of proven health benefits, including weight loss, fighting diabetes and reducing risk of heart disease, but adding it to your drink could also be a natural cure to get rid of headaches.

By Katrina Turrill , Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Top health benefits of drinking apple cider vinegar

A variety of studies have suggested apple cider vinegar is able to treat a number of different conditions. 

This may include headaches and migraines according to a health website. 

While there is currently no scientific evidence to suggest apple cider vinegar can directly treat migraines, says it could indirectly help treat headaches. 

On its website, it explains: “Apple cider vinegar has plenty of potassium, which could also potentially help prevent migraines. 

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Apple cider vinegar could help ease a headache

It’s thought that inhaling steam vapours of apple cider vinegar may also help with sinus headaches.

“It’s thought that inhaling steam vapours of apple cider vinegar may also help with sinus headaches.” 

How could apple cider vinegar to relieve a headache? 

Creating a drink, cold compress or a vapour are three options. 

Apple cider vinegar and honey

While a concoction of one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and one teaspoon of honey in an eight-ounce glass of water has digestion benefits, there is anecdotal evidence that drinking this mixture can also help prevent and treat migraines. 

Apple cider vinegar on a cold compress 

The website suggests soaking a clean washcloth in cold apple cider vinegar for several minutes, wringing it out and applying the compress to your forehead. 

This is said to help soothe the pain. 

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Apple cider vinegar: Add it to a drink or try making it into a cold compress or vapour rub

Breathe in apple cider vinegar vapour 

Breathing in steam and apple cider vinegar vapour could help relief from sinus infections and the headaches they cause. 

Try mixing a quarter cup of apple cider vinegar with two cups of water, heat the mixture until it boils then inhale the steam for around three minutes. 

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Apple cider vinegar has a range of health benefits including aiding weight loss

The NHS suggests some other natural remedies to help control a headache. 

Massages can reduce the frequency of headaches, according to studies. 

Headache researchers have also found evidence that, in some people, moderate exercise can reduce the number and severity of headaches. 

Regular exercise can even prevent some people from getting headaches. 

Apple cider vinegar can also be used to get rid of blackheads

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