How to tell if your child is lying - look out for THESE three body language signs

HOW DO you tell if someone is lying? Specific body language can suggest when they are being untruthful.

By Katrina Turrill , Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

How to spot when a child is lying to you

Is your child lying? Or do you have reason to believe they are being dishonest? 

According to author and body language expert Judi James, certain body language performed by a child can suggest they are lying. 

From revealing the truth in their lies to pleading for mercy - Judi has revealed the top things to look for to indicate when a child is being deceitful. 

Speaking to she said: “Believe it or not a child needs to learn to lie so in a way although it’s something we like to discourage it’s part of growing up. 

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How to tell if your child is lying: Body language signs to look out for

Certain body language performed by a child can suggest they are lying.

“For example they can learn to not stare and point their finger saying ‘what’s that funny man doing over there’, so it’s learning to be polite.

“But they are hilariously bad at telling lies because they know that their first lies will be to their mum or dad who can read them like a book.

“So they really go for it in terms of acting but then they will also do a lot of giveaways that even they can tell are going on.” 

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How to tell if your child is lying: Look out for them telling a lie and the truth in one ritual

Lie and tell the truth in one ritual 

You’ll often get big wide eyes, raised brows, and ‘I didn’t do that’ and then suddenly you’ll get little denial gestures that actually aren’t so little, like a little funny facial expression with the mouth. 

So they’ll tell the truth and lie both in one ritual.

Unfortunately then the parents tend to laugh which often seals approval. 

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How to tell if your child is lying: Pleading for mercy is also a sign to look our for

Emphatic in the way they lie 

If they are going to lie they’re going to go for it. They’re not going to go for the small lie, it will be ‘no no it wasn’t me’. 

Pleading for mercy 

Sometimes, instead of the head turning with a ‘no’ you might actually at the end get a little nod as in ‘it was me’. 

So they’re kind of pleading for mercy at the same time they’re trying to lie.

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