Is your husband cheating? THESE are the body language signs to look out for

IS YOUR husband or boyfriend cheating? There are some tell-tale signs to look out which may end in them being caught out.

By Katrina Turrill , Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Body language expert points out signs your man is cheating

Unless you spend every hour of every day with your partner it can be impossible to keep track of their every movement. 

But if you suspect infidelity there are a number of body language signs you can look out for. 

Author and body language expert Judi James has offered some of the clues which may indicate a man has cheated. 

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Is your husband cheating? These are the body language signs to look out for

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Is your husband cheating? Male cheaters may be more attentive to their mobile phone

If you suspect infidelity there are a number of body language signs you can look out for.

1. Alpha male combined with guilt signals 

There is something about the body language that will almost be a boast.

You may see a bit of chest puffing, a little more of a swagger and a kind of suppressed smiling. But that will be interspersed with feelings of guilt. So you might also see a quite high stress level response, things like fiddling, looking distracted and sweating even. 

So it’s kind of alpha male combined with guilt signals and anxiety rituals. 

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Is your husband cheating? Male cheaters may suffer from memory loss

2. The mobile phone 

You’ll see a lot to do with the phone. The phone will be the main line with their new partner. Whereas normally perhaps they’ve left it lying around, suddenly it’s aways hidden away somewhere. If it suddenly rings they will leap up like a scolded cat. 

They suddenly become very polite. If you’re watching television they’ll go out of the room to take phone calls. 

They’ll want to know where it is all the time, keep picking it up when it rings and if you go anywhere near it they’ll almost rugby tackle you. 

3. They suffer from memory loss 

Women might make up a friend but men suddenly lose a friend when they’re cheating. 

They’ll be someone at work they’ve been taking about a lot and then suddenly they disappear. You say to them ‘how’s Christine at the moment’ and they say ‘who? I can’t remember who they are’. That usually means they’re worried their facial expressions are going to give them away. If they suddenly remember that person they’ve had an affair with they’re going to look really guilty so they pretend not to know who you’re talking about. 

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Is your husband cheating? Male cheaters may also display new body language traits

4. New body language traits 

When we are cheating on our partner or in a new affair we tend to mirror and pick up on a lot of their body language. So you’ll suddenly see a change in the body language and often a change in the dialogue - words they wouldn’t normally use, a change in music that they like. 

With body language you’ll see new facial expressions and they might extend to the bedroom as well. 

Rather than going off sex because they’re in a state of sexual arousal generally, they’ll be more into sex and suddenly try new things, and that’s the point to think ‘I wonder who they learnt that off’. 

Judi has also revealed the body language signs which may indicate your wife or girlfriend is cheating on you

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