WATCH: Man steals bike from a garage but suffers instant karma when THIS happens

VIDEO footage caught a man stealing a bike from a garage, but his unlawful decision led to karma getting the best of him.

By Katrina Turrill , Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Man catches bike thief and sends him flying

The CCTV footage uploaded to image sharing site Imgur showed a man in the early hours of the evening walk up the drive of a home and enter the garage.

For a couple of moments, the man disappears from view, but he soon emerges with a bike and proceeds to get on it and ride off. 

But the man sorely mistakes it being the perfect time to steal the bike. 

He gets on the bike but just as he begins to pick up speed he is stopped in his tracks. 

Man steals bike and suffers instant karma IMGUR

Instant karma: A man decided to steal a bike but didn't expect what happened next

As someone who lost a nice chained-up road bike, watching this satisfied an itch.

The homeowner, and presumably bike owner, suddenly appears and chases after the man. 

The thief manages to make it onto the road but the homeowner quickly catches him. 

He grabs hold of the bike thief and pulls him down to the ground. 

Both men are left in a heap on the floor, and most importantly, the thief is unable to get away. 

WATCH: Man steals bike from a garage but suffers instant karma when THIS happens IMGUR

Instant karma: The man decided to take his chances and stole a bike from an open garage

People on Imgur commenting on the video hailed the homeowner’s efforts. 

One user posted: “As someone who lost a nice chained-up road bike, watching this satisfied an itch.” 

More video footage revealed what happened when another man tried to steal a bike. 

With very few people around, and no bike owner in sight, the man decided to take his chances and steal a bike. 

WATCH: Man steals bike from a garage but suffers instant karma when THIS happens IMGUR

Instant karma: The homeowner managed to catch up with thief and pulled him to the ground

The bike, in perfect condition, appeared to be leaning against a tree and had no bike chain securing it. 

After a few moment of hanging round the bike, the man decided to go for it, quickly jumped on and began cycling off at some speed.

Unfortunately the man's actions were about to get the best of him. 

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