Theresa May greets Angela Merkel with a smile - but what does her BODY language reveal?

THERESA MAY and Angela Merkel met on the red carpet ahead of the G20 summit this morning, but which leader had the upper hand?

By Katrina Turrill , Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Angela Merkel greets Theresa May at G20 summit

British Prime Minister Theresa May and German Chancellor Angela Merkel shared what appeared to be a friendly exchange ahead of the G20 Summit meeting with European Union leaders. 

Mrs Merkel, 62, has dominated G20 summit talks saying: “I will lead the G20 negotiations in Hamburg with the aim of furthering the goals of the Paris climate deal.” 

But when she met with May, 60, ahead of today’s talks, did she uphold her confidence and overshadow the British PM or crumble to defeat of a greater power?

Body language expert Darren Stanton revealed who demonstrated superiority in the following analysis. 

Theresa May and Angela MerkelGETTY

Body language: What did the pair's handshake really reveal?

Theresa May and Angela MerkelGETTY

Picture one: Both women match each other's gestures

The smile is the most faked emotion humans have. A real smile is denoted by the fact being full engaged with crows feet being visible by the eyes.

Picture one

Although many cultures have varying customs local to them, one such gesture that seems to be the same globally is the idea of showing submissive behaviour. Animals and humans are alike when it comes to displaying this. 

Here we see Merkel and May meeting - notice how both women adopt the same body posture, are crouched down and have their shoulders hunched. This is to make themselves smaller. Its a sign to convey ‘I’m the same as you’ or ‘I acknowledge your power over me’. A classic example of this is a bow or courtesy when meeting the queen or another important dignity. What people convey doing this is submission. 

This photo shows both people matching each other in gesture, which is not that easy because May is quite a tall lady. The photo says ‘I see you as an equal’. 

Theresa May and Angela MerkelGETTY

Picture two: Both leaders display genuine smiles

Theresa May and Angela MerkelGETTY

Picture three: Both women match each other's postures again

Picture two 

Here, both women are displaying genuine smiles. So many politicians and public figures I’m asked to read display a fake smile for the press or pleasantries. 

The smile is the most faked emotion humans have. A real smile is denoted by the face being fully engaged with crows feet being visible by the eyes. 

Picture three 

Many politicians try to play the power game, and there are theories they are coached on how to stand, where to stand and how to shake hands to make the other person appear smaller or less significant than the other. 

Here, both women have matching postures. 

Another big gesture that people tend to miss is people’s feet. Look at the position of their feet in this photo - they are perfectly symmetrical. Sometimes you will see someone’s foot pointing out at a right angle and this is a subconscious action that someone really wants to leave. 

Theresa May and Angela MerkelGETTY

Picture four: The duo show reciprocal liking to be in each other's company

Theresa May and Angela MerkelGETTY

Picture five: The women show mutual respect for one another

Picture four 

Again, there are lots of genuine smiles in this picture. I guess it was a media scrum for pictures as they are looking in different directions, but nevertheless, this photo shows reciprocal liking to be in each other’s company. 

Picture five 

This photo shows the women having mutual respect for one another. Notice how each lady has dipped their shoulders to match the other. We call this matching and mirroring. 

Neither one is cajoling for the upper hand. Again, handshakes have formed a lot of body language over recent months, but I see nothing in this handshake to convey anything other than genuine want and need to work together on the issues to be discussed. 

Theresa May and Jeremy Corbyn came face-to-face during PMQs yesterday, but what did her body language have to say? 

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