Keeping your windows CLOSED will keep you cooler at night for a better sleep in a heatwave

KEEPING cool at night in a heatwave is impossible for many people, but did you know keeping your window CLOSED during the day and making some changes to your diet can help you achieve better sleep?

By Katrina Turrill , Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Sleeping in a heatwaveGETTY

Heatwave: These tips will help you get to sleep in the hot weather

With it being the hottest day of the year so far today, and temperatures set to soar above 30 degrees this week, sensitive sleepers are bracing themselves for the restless nights ahead. 

To help them get a better night’s rest in the scorching summer weather, Richard Tucker, of leading mattress brand, Leesa Sleep, has shared his top tips to ensure hot nights don’t disrupt a dreamy sleep. 

These include some unusual guidance: 

Detox your diet 

If you’re tempted to tuck in to an indulgent hot meal, think again. The larger the meal, the more metabolic heat you generate as your body digests the food, with high protein meals being the worst offenders. Try smaller, cold or raw food choices, which your body can digest with east. This style of diet will also save on cooking and therefore helps to keep the house cool too. 

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Heatwave: Try eating smaller, cold or raw food choices

Summer time and turbulent sleep go hand in hand, with the change in temperature and longer light hours playing a pivotal role in stopping us drifting off each night.

Keep a cool head 

There really is no greater pleasure than turning to the cold side of the pillow. Try repurposing your ‘hot’ water bottle by placing it in the freezer to create a bed-friendly ice pack. Likewise, putting your pyjamas or sheets in the freezer in a clean plastic bag for a few minutes before bed can provide a brief respite from heat and humidity. 

Banish pets and pollen

Pets are no longer man’s best friend at a time when pollen is at an all-time high. For those suffering with summer allergies, declaring the bedroom a pet-free zone is a must as their fur can often carry pollen, spores and other allergens, which easily find their way into your bed linen and are then easily ingested. 

Say goodbye to spooning 

Snuggling up can make for a stuffy night. Sleeping solo can help keep your body temperature down as the human body generates the equivalent of 116 watts of heat energy an hour. Likewise, a restless bed companion can also disturb your sleep. For those still keen to sleep in the same bed, making sure your mattress is of high quality is paramount. 

Embrace your inner caveman 

Just as our ancestors did in bygone years, follow the ‘cave’ principe of keeping the bedroom cool, quiet and dark. Blackout blinds or good curtains with a decent lining will prevent you from waking up too early in summer month. Light can often come in around the edges of the blinds smoke sure they are well fitted, or experiment with black plastic sheeting down the sides. 

Air raising 

A balmy summers evening can turn the bedroom into the stuffiest of sleep environments. Be efficient with your fan and instead of just circulating the hot air within the room, point the fan out of a window or or door to push stifling air out. If you have a ceiling fan, ensure the blades run counter-clockwise, pulling stifling air up and out. Also, take note from our friends in Mediterranean climates and resist temptations to throw open the windows on a sweltering day. Keeping windows shuttered during the day stops the rooms heating up. Instead, open a window in the evening rather than in the daytime, when the air outside is cooler. 

Cotton on 

Just as natural fibres help you stay warm in winter, they also allow your body to breathe in summer. Switch your silk and synthetic sheets and pyjamas for cotton options to help promote ventilation. Although it may seem logical to do away with the pyjamas and bare all, cotton pyjamas can help you keep cool as natural fabrics draw sweat away from your body allowing you to feel more cool and comfortable. 

Sleeping in a heatwaveGETTY

Heatwave: Say goodbye to spooning

Richard said: “Summer time and turbulent sleep go hand in hand, with the change in temperature and longer light hours playing a pivotal role in stopping us drifting off each night. 

“Temperature takes its toll and your mattress should be working hard to help manage body temperature into the early hours. Lees mattresses are made with a unique top layer of Avena foam, which, unlike traditional memory foam mattresses, features a specially designed airflow system to prevent heat retention as you sleep, helping you to stay cool. 

“Alongside its cooling benefits, a Leesa mattress is designed from the inside out with a universal adaptive feel to provide the contouring and core support everybody needs to sleep better. Once you have the foundations of your bedroom furniture sorted, here are some simple ways you can ensure a seamless snooze throughout the summer.”

The Met Office has warned to stay indoors today between 11am and 3pm. 

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