WATCH: You will NEVER guess what this bride wore to surprise her groom

A BRIDE surprised her husband-to-be on their wedding day by turning up in a very peculiar outfit. 

By Katrina Turrill , Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Bride arrives at wedding dressed as T-REX

In a video which has now gone viral, a bride decided to play a wedding day prank on the groom - and this one tops them all. 

While most bride’s can’t wait to see their groom’s face as he catches his first glimpse of her walking down the aisle, one woman was expecting a very different type of reaction from her new husband. 

In a bid to make her wedding day unforgettable, Elizabeth Rex Hundley, she decided to cover up her stunning wedding dress with an inflatable T-rex costume. 

Elizabeth couldn’t wait to capture her partner Tom Gardner’s first look - and his reaction is almost as brilliant as her idea.

Bride ditches conventional wedding dress for THISSTORYFUL

Viral wedding video: Elizabeth Rex Hundley decided to prank her husband-to-be

I was floored, completely and utterly surprised at what she did

The hilarious moment was shared by Jon Clark weddings on Facebook, with the caption ‘the best first look ever’. 

The video has been shared almost 30,000 times, but while the prank is undoubtedly funny, many have questioned why Elizabeth would dress up as a dinosaur on her wedding day. 

The bride told Huffington Post there was a personal story behind her plan. 

She said: “My mother’s maiden name, and my middle name, is Rex. So, I thought it would be funny to wear the costume on the day I would go from a Rex/Hundley to a Gardner. 

Bride ditches conventional wedding dress for THISSTORYFUL

Viral wedding video: Elizabeth decided to dress up as a T-Rex

“I even had my bridesmaids take pictures of me the day before the wedding holding a sign that said, ‘today a Rex, tomorrow a Gardner’. 

As soon as Elizabeth appeared in her T-Rex costume, Tom burst into laughter. 

Elizabeth was nervous over what his reaction would be, but Tom’s face said it all. 

He said: “I was floored, completely and utterly surprised at what she did. 

Bride ditches conventional wedding dress for THISSTORYFUL

Viral wedding video: There was a personal reason behind Elizabeth's idea

“I was totally disarmed and could not stop from bursting with laughter. It was just so her.” 

A fake wedding was the idea one boyfriend came up with to propose to his girlfriend. 

In another viral video, Michael Albanese, known as Tomo, dreamt up the romantic scheme for partner of seven years Sophia Penafiel on December 10 - the day of her 28th birthday. 

Under the guise of best friend Kerry Burke eloping, the write and founds of Words R Weapons arranged the creative ceremony at Lake Eola Park, Orlando, Florida, USA. 

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