Could strawberries be the £2 NATURAL solution for teeth whitening?

TEETH whitening treatments, when carried out by professionals, can be expensive business - but could you achieve the same results for a much smaller price using strawberries?

By Katrina Turrill , Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Fitness blogger uses TURMERIC to whiten teeth

Strawberries are one of many home remedies people use to whiten their teeth in a bid to save money, but its effectiveness has been questioned by some experts. 

Many people believe that, due to their acid content, strawberries can brighten your teeth. 

The method used involves mashing up a ripe strawberry, dipping your toothbrush in and then brushing. 

And alongside rinsing thoroughly after with with warm water, people also add a pinch of bicarbonate of soda, to reduce acidity in the mouth. 

Could strawberries be the answer for cheap teeth whitening?GETTY

Teeth whitening: Could strawberries be the answer?

I think you would have to eat an awful lot but then this could start to cause erosion problems

Some people believe just eating strawberries can do the trick, but Dr Nigel Carter of the Oral Health Foundation has dispelled this. 

He said: “I think you would have to eat an awful lot but then this could start to cause erosion problems.” 

And Dr Carter adds why other rumoured home teeth whitening remedies will fail to show results.  

Eating apples

Eating apples for their supposed teeth cleansing properties will have a similar affect as strawberries. 

Drinking milk and water

While these are good for your teeth they don’t contribute to whitening. 

Could strawberries be the answer for cheap teeth whitening?GETTY

Teeth whitening: Strawberries acid content is believed to whiten teeth

Coconut oil

A celebrity fad with no evidence. 


A current fad, again with little evidence to support it, which definitely doesn’t strengthen gums as some places claim. 

But Dr Carter does approve of one home teeth whitening remedy - and that’s bicarbonate of soda. 

He says it’s an ingredient which works well, with robust research behind it. 

While Dr Uchenna Okoye, clinical director at London Smiling Dental Group, believes strawberries can help give your teeth a whiter appearance, she agrees that bicarbonate of soda effectively removes stains on teeth caused by coffee, red wine and tea. 

Could strawberries be the answer for cheap teeth whitening?GETTY

Teeth whitening: Brushing your teeth with bicarbonate of soda could be a better choice

She said: “Bicarbonate of soda is somehow considered natural but it is actually a chemical, and used commercially in some teeth-whitening products and toothpastes. 

“It does effectively remove plaque and debris on the surface of the teeth to make them appear brighter, and it also can neutralise bacterial acids in the mouth. 

“But it is an abrasive compound and as such, will damage the enamel protecting the teeth if used too much.

“Try it three times a year to life those surface stains, and to avoid damaging the enamel use your finger to rub it on or a flannel.”

The food and drink you should avoid for white teeth has been revealed.

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