Miscarriage signs: Symptoms explained after Kym Marsh reveals heartbreak

MISCARRIAGE can be an emotionally and physically draining experience, as seen on Wednesday night’s episode of Coronation Street.

By Katrina Turrill , Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Kym Marsh opens up about celebrating son's birthday

A Coronation Street storyline has seen Michelle Connor and Steve McDonald tragically lose their son at 12 weeks after going into early labour. 

Both actors - Kym Marsh and Simon Gregson - have opened up about their personal miscarriage hell.

A miscarriage, or late foetal loss, is the loss of a pregnancy during the first 23 weeks.

The main sign of one happening is vaginal bleeding, which can be followed by cramping and pain in the lower abdomen.

A stillbirth is a baby born without a heartbeat after 24 completed weeks of pregnancy.

Kym Marsh lost her own baby, Archie, who was born prematurely in 2009.

Miscarriage signs and the after-effectsITV/GETTY

Miscarriage signs and the after-effects: Kym Marsh opens up about her own heartache

I just thought - what better way to raise awareness than to do this

When the actress was first approached by Coronation Street producers about the storyline, she went away to think about the aftermath of acting out such a scene.

Speaking on This Morning, Kym said: “Since losing Archie I’ve spoken to some other women admen and families who have gone through similar situations.

“I just thought - what better way to raise awareness than to do this.

“My mum also asked me what my gut instinct was, and my gut instinct was to do it.”

Since the topic was tackled on Coronation Street, Simon Greyson has also revealed he and wife Emma have suffered 11 miscarriages.

Kym added: “21 weeks and five days was when I gave birth to Archie. He existed. It doesn’t matter how long for.

Miscarriage signs and the after-effectsITV

Miscarriage signs and the after-effects: Coronation Street tackled the subject

“We celebrate Archie’s birthday every year and Polly [her daughter] knows all about him.”

During the episode, the show tackled the difference between a miscarriage and a still birth, and also hospital policies when it came to resuscitation.

NHS Choices suggests what to do if you think you’re having a miscarriage, if they can be prevented, and what to do after.

“If you have the symptoms of a miscarriage, you’ll usually be referred to a hospital for tests. In most cases, an ultrasound scan can determine whether the pregnancy is ongoing or you’re having a miscarriage.

“When a miscarriage is confirmed, you’ll need to talk to your doctor or nurse about the options for the management of the end of the pregnancy.”

The majority of miscarriage cannot be prevented, but there are somethings you can do to reduce the risk of one happening.

Miscarriage signs and the after-effectsITV

Miscarriage signs and the after-effects: Kym lost her son Archie in 2009

Avoid smoking, drinking alcohol and using drugs while pregnant. Being a healthy weight before getting pregnant, eating a healthy diet and reducing your risk of infection can also help.

Advice and support is available after a miscarriage from hospital counselling services and charity groups.

Having a miscarriage doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll have another if you get pregnant again.

NHS Choices says: “You can try for another baby as soon as your symptoms have settled and you’ve had one period, although you should ensure you’re emotionally and physically ready first.”

Contact Sands charity for stillbirth and neonatal death support. 

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