James Bond star Daniel Craig reveals his OBSCURE hangover cure

JAMES BOND star Daniel Craig has let loose his secret to getting over a hangover – and the tip came from fellow A-lister Mark Wahlberg.

By Katrina Turrill , Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

James Bond star Daniel Craig reveals his obscure hangover cureGETTY

James Bond star Daniel Craig has revealed his best hangover cure

James Bond is well known for his love of Martinis – shaken not stirred – but how does the British spy cope with a bad hangover after one too many of his favourite tipple?

Daniel Craig, the current 007, apparently also enjoys a drink or two, according to Dujour.

Speaking to the luxury publication he said: “I like to have a drink, and I love pubs and I love finding new pubs and places to socialise.” 

Following his roaring success in the movies, Daniel finds it difficult to go out on the town now. 

James Bond star Daniel Craig reveals his obscure hangover cureGETTY

Daniel Craig revealed he enjoys a drink or two

“That has a limit on it now,” he said. 

But the film star still finds time here and there to have a bit of fun. 

While discussing his most recent Bond movie, Spectre, some of which was shot in Mexico City, Dujour asked what he got up to. 

“It ended up being one of my favourite cities I’ve ever been to, but you can get into an awful lot of trouble there,” he said. 

James Bond star Daniel Craig reveals his obscure hangover cureGETTY

James Bond is well known for enjoying a couple Martinis

The magazine asked: “Tequila?” 

He answered: “Anything you f****** want!” 

But when Daniel does suffer from the occasional hangover he has the perfect cure on standby, which he says was recommended to him by Transformers star Mark Wahlberg. 

“There’s this thing called Pedialyte,” he said. 

James Bond star Daniel Craig reveals his obscure hangover cureGETTY

Mark Wahlberg gave Daniel the tip

“It’s basically a diuretic – you give it to kids who are dehydrated. If you wake up in the morning and you’ve got one of those on standby and you down the whole lot…you can carry on drinking!

“[I got the cure from] Mark Wahlberg. Who I don’t know, but I was told that’s what Mark swears by. 

“It’s the difference between life and death as far as I’m concerned.” 

Research has also revealed that a full English breakfast is the fastest acting hangover cure.

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