Incontinence: Mother and daughter duo cured their weak bladder problems with THIS

INCONTINENCE is a common problem thought to affect million of people in the UK - but could taking products or using pads be the best way to treat it? A mother and daughter revealed to what worked for them.

By Katrina Turrill , Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Urinary incontinence: Products and treatment that cured mother and daughter duo GETTY

Urinary incontinence: Products and treatment that cured mother and daughter duo

Incontinence issues have affected Vanessa, 40, and her mother Cicely, 78, from Derby for some time.

The problem is the unintentional passing of urine and it breaks down into different types. 

Stress incontinence is when urine leaks out at times when your bladder is under pressure - for example, when you cough or laugh.

Overflow incontinence (chronic urinary retention) - when you're unable to fully empty your bladder, which causes frequent leaking.

Total incontinence when your bladder can't store any urine at all, which causes you to pass urine constantly or have frequent leaking.

What Vanessa and Cicely suffer from is urge incontinence, which is when urine leaks as you feel a sudden, intense urge to pass urine, or soon afterwards. 

Cicely revealed she can rarely hold her urine and has frequent accidents needing to use large pads all the time.

Urinary incontinence: Products and treatment that cured mother and daughter duo GENISIS

Urinary incontinence: Vanessa, 40, and her mum Cicely, 78, suffer from urge incontinence

For Vanessa, she frequently experiences difficulty, pain and discomfort from holding in her wee.

She believes her incontinence issues may have been caused due to damage to the urethra from having a number of catheters following childbirth, which left her very tender and bruised down there for years.

Cicely said: "I feel very anxious when going out and about and fed up with the situation. I also feel there is no hope and my quality of life will always be affected by this.

"It is very embarrassing when I have to go to the toilet anywhere out of desperation - such as behind my car in a supermarket car park or down a country lane when collecting my granddaughter from school.

"I still wet myself even when wearing large pads, and journeys even four miles away I end up needing to stop en-route.

"I also dare not drink very much. Even when I am home my daughter is concerned I might be dehydrating myself. I currently have cystitis which may be as a result of not drinking enough fluid."

Vanessa said: "Often, knowing there is not a loo can exacerbate the problem. 

Urinary incontinence: Products and treatment that CURED mother and daughter duoGENESIS

Urinary incontinence: Vanessa frequently experiences difficulty, pain and discomfort from her wee

"It is embarrassing and I feel as though my body should not be having these problems which started from the age of 29 following the birth of my third child. 

"It is very uncomfortable and can be quite painful and there is a feeling of desperation."

Both mother and daughter tried methods to improve their pelvic floor to help solve the problem - Vanessa was encouraged my doctors to do pelvic floor exercises and Cicely tried an electronic device for strengthening her pelvic floor. But they saw no improvement.

Just as they were becoming desperate to find a successful treatment,

Vanessa's friend recommended Genesis - a clinic which specialises in Women's Health and Wellbeing - to her and to have Nu-V treatment done.

Nu-V is a 15-minute-long procedure using lasers which can help with symptoms such as dryness, laxity, urinary incontinence and sexual dysfunction. 

Cicely and Vanessa have undergone two treatments and say they have already noticed an improvement.

Vanessa said: "I noticed small improvements after the first treatment and definitely after the second.

Urinary incontinence: Products and treatment that CURED mother and daughter duoGETTY

People who suffer from any type of urinary incontinence to visit their GP

"I am more relaxed about when I go out and if there are toilets. I hardly think about it. 

"My partner has also commented that when we go out that I don't go to the toilet every time - he often goes more than I do now.

"He has also commented on the rightness down below and how that has very much improved.

"Mum and I are due to have our third treatment next week and for me I can imagine even more improvement. I imagine this will need to be repeated every so often but it will definitely be worth it."

NHS Choices advises people who suffer from any type of urinary incontinence to visit their GP.

Your GP may initially suggest simple measures to see if they help improve your symptoms, such as losing weight, cutting down on caffeine and alcohol, pelvic floor exercises and bladder training.

Try perfecting your pelvic floor at the Christmas dinner table with THIS mobile app. 

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