Would YOU let your child witness childbirth? Mum of four-year-old explains why she did

CHILDREN witnessing childbirth was the topic of discussion on This Morning when mum of three Vivien Pettitt retold her experience to Eamonn Holmes and Ruth Langsford.

By Katrina Turrill , Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Woman let four-year-old child watch her give birth

Vivien did let her four-year-old Jessica watch her brother Luke being born - but this opened up debate on the show as to whether children should be allowed to watch something of this nature. 

Vivien said: “All the way through the pregnancy she was very involved. She wanted to hear the heartbeat, she came to the antenatal appointments, and I asked her, if you want to be here you can be here. 

“I asked my eldest child as well, he didn’t, it would freak him right out. Jessica always did. 

“I prepared her by watching videos. I didn’t lie about anything. 

This Morning: Would YOU let your child witness childbirth?ITV

This Morning: Would YOU let your child witness childbirth?

It wasn’t unicorns and fairies, I don’t believe in that because it isn’t. I did say there is going to be showing, I talked about blood, everything that she needed to know.” 

Vivien gave birth at home, and although her son Luke was a big baby, she experienced no complications. 

But Eamonn said if was given the choice, he wouldn’t allow his children to watch a birth, in cause the trauma affected them or something went wrong. 

Vivien disagreed and said having her daughter in the same room calmed her, her sister and husband were present too and that a plan b been thought of if anything went wrong. 

This Morning: Would YOU let your child witness childbirth?ITV

Vivien Pettitt let her four-year-old daughter watch her give birth

Jessica, now aged 10, even held on to her mum’s gas and air. 

Other parents contacted This Morning giving their views on the subject. 

One mum revealed after her child watcher her give birth she even cut the cord, and that she’d never change the bond that was crated for the world. 

Eamonn added that an experience such as this could even put certain children off childbirth.

This Morning: Would YOU let your child witness childbirth?ITV

Eamonn Holmes didn't agree children should witness childbirth

Vivien replied: “There’s a farm up the road, and there’s definitely more gore watching the sheep give birth.” 

Earlier this week, an 18-year-old woman selling her virginity in a bid to save her parents from being evicted from their home appeared on This Morning. 

Aleexandra, a young woman with dreams to move form her home in Europe to study at one of the top universities in the UK, was looking to sell her virginity for millions in order to save her family from their financial problems. 

Speaking with Philip Schofield and Holly Willoughby, she explained where the idea for her decision came from. 

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