Do you use the right or left side of your brain? THIS colour test will reveal the answer

WHETHER you use the right or left side of your brain when it comes to thinking can be determined by completing this quick colour test.

By Katrina Turrill , Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Do you use the right or left side of your brain?PLAYBUZZ/GETTY

Do you use the right or left side of your brain?

The way you answer these nine questions can reveal how exactly your mind works. 

The colour test published by Playbuzz claims to tell people which side of their brain they use and this says about their personality. 

So are you left-brained or right-brained?

Each question in the quiz gives the person a colour spelled out but paints it in a different colour. 

Do you use the right or left side of your brain?PLAYBUZZ

How you answer these nine questions can reveal how exactly your mind works

Quizzers are then asked ‘what colour is this word?’. 

Scroll down to have a go at the quiz.

If you’re right brained, you tend to see the colour of the letter rather than the word being written first in this colour test. 

Right brainers also tend to be disorganised and a little scattered, but highly creative and very in touch with their emotions. 

Problem solving in an intuitive way rather than reading directions is also a perk, and they are fascinated by the mysteries of the world. 

Do you use the right or left side of your brain?GETTY

Left-brained - you tend to see the word being written rather than the colour of the letters first

Do you use the right or left side of your brain?GETTY

Right brainers tend to be disorganised and a little scattered

One of their greatest strengths is their ability to look at the big picture when solving problems and their ability to see many possibilities instead of searching for one solution 

In this test, if you’re left-brained, you tend to see the word being written rather than the colour of the letters first. 

Left brainers tend to be analytical, organised and rational, as well as planning things out and thinking in a linear, logical fashion., 

They may have a proclivity toward sciences and math and may also enjoy being leader rather than a follower. 

One of their greatest strengths is their sense of realism and their ability to stay grounded. 

Do you think this quiz managed to work out your personality?

Another quiz tests how intelligent you are - and only four per cent of the nation can pass it. 

Could you qualify for MENSA? Will you turn out to be in the top four per cent of intelligent people in the UK? Take this test to find out. 

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