Money savers are more likely to be SLIM: 'Instant gratification' causes bigger waistlines

PEOPLE who save are more likely to be slim than those who spend more, according to a study.

By Katrina Turrill , Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise


The research was carried out at Newcastle University

Brits with larger waistlines have smaller savings because of their craving for instant gratification and a lack of planning for the future, according to researchers at Newcastle University. 

The differences are also said to be more pronounced in women than men. 

The findings came from a study of 15,591 Brits’ health records from the 2010-11 Understanding Society survey. 

People’s savings, income, marital status and three measure of body fatness - Body Mass Index, percentage of body fatness, and waist circumference - were all compared. 


Waistlines of women who saved were around 1.18 inches smaller

And the waistlines of women who saved were found to be an average 1.18 inches smaller. 

Dr Heather Brown, of the university’s institute of health and society, told Mail Online: “All measures of body fatness for both men and women are significantly and negatively associated with being a saver. 

“The magnitude of the savings coefficients are larger for women than men.”

The report, which was published in the journal Social Science and Medicine, added: “Our findings show that there is a negative relationship between the three measures of body fatness and being a saver. 


The strongest relationship is found for waist circumference and being a saver for both genders

The strongest relationship is found for waist circumference and being a saver for both genders. 

“Individuals with a higher time preference rate - those who are more impatient - may be less likely to invest in activities with low levels of instant gratification such as exercise and healthy eating that help to promote a healthy weight.” 

Overall, it was discovered people in the North East and the West Midlands have significantly higher body fatness for all three measure than those living in London. 

Authors of the report also found how people chose to spend their time was a contributing factor to obesity. 


People in the North East and West Midlands have significantly higher body fatness

People who look to the future are more likely to stay in school, and people more impatient are less likely to see the point of foregoing today’s pleasure for tomorrow’s gain, even when it benefits their health. 

The report concluded people should be taught the value of investing for the future, in saving or their healthy eating habits, rather than indulging in short-term desires. 

It added: “Educational interventions to improve savings behaviour and subsequently obesity may be more effective for women [in particular] with lower levels of education.”

This comes after a secret eater who binged on junk food in her car lost six stone after being caught out.

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