WATCH: Heartwarming moment little girl is reunited with her lost cat after THREE years

A LITTLE girl was surprised and overwhelmed with happiness when the family cat, who had been missing for three years, miraculously returned.

By Katrina Turrill , Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Heart warming moment little girl is reunited with lost cat

The heart-melting moment Claudia Arnold was reunited with the much-loved family pet, Cursor, has made the duo a  viral sensation. 

Claudia’s reaction was filmed by mum Kara, who begins by asking Claudia how much she loves cats. 

Oblivious to the reunion which is about to happen, Claudia exclaims her favourite “kitties” are “black and yellow”. 

The woman, who can be heard speaking to Claudia, corrects her saying: “Oh, kinda like a calico? Like with white?” 


Claudia Arnold was happy and surprised to have Cursor back in her life

The colour “calico” then triggers a distant memory of Claudia’s - that of Cursor. 

With a sad tone to her voice, she says: “I had a calico, it was black and…”

But before Claudia has time to finish her sentence, she’s distracted by an opening door. 

The woman says: “What does it look like, does it look like this?”


Claudia is speechless at first when Cursor appears from behind the door

From behind the door appears Cursor, and Claudia gasps, and raises her hands over her mouth to cover her surprised expression. 

Claudia is speechless, and has to check it really is her favourite feline. 

Amazed it’s really him, Claudia walks up to him and pulls him away from the woman holding him. 

She says: “I missed you so much,” while she tries to hold back the tears. 


Claudia thinks the two have been parted for only eight months, when it's in fact been three years

The pair have a snuggle before Claudia declares: “Thanks for getting my kitty back.” 

When asked how long it’s been since she last saw Cursor, Claudia says “eight months”. 

But in fact, it’s been three years, and adults around her start laughing. 

While many people have expressed their happiness over the reining, one person commenting on the video posted to YouTube said: “Where was this cat for three years that he/she ate that well!!!” 

This comes after a girl left shoppers shocked with where she keeps her shopping. 

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