Is this HANDY anti-ageing trick a celebrity fad? The truth behind laser hand treatment

IS GETTING your hands lasered to remove sun damage and keep them looking young a celebrity trend or a handy solution for ageing hands?

By Katrina Turrill, Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise


The Icon Max G 1540 combination is a new treatment which gives "fantastic results"

Kim Kardashian reveals she gets her hands lasered for these reasons, but anti-ageing skin expert and plastic surgeon Mr Faz Zavahir of Juvea Aesthetics has revealed whether this treatment is a genuine solution for anti-ageing. 

This comes after it was revealed rosehip and jojoba are the “power couple” of anti-ageing. 

The Icon Max G 1540 combination is a new treatment and Mr Zavahir says he’s been seeing “fantastic results” with it. 

He adds: “Even though hands are one of the first place to show signs of ageing, they are often overlooked. 


Hands are often the first place to show signs of ageing

“Now with advances in laser technology treatments, using skin rejuvenation lasers such as the Icon Max G can achieve impressive results. 

“I believe this is not just a trend as people are realising how the hands can reflect age and that is why we are continuing to see an increase in patients requesting hand treatments.”

So what does the treatment entail?

The treatment begins with a thorough patient consultation, and then using a Skintel Reader, the patient’s skin melanin levels are measured. 


Kim Kardashian has recently opted for anti-ageing laser treatment on her hands

Mr Zavahir said: “This is important as melanin is the pigment that gives skin its colour and by measuring it, the Skintel automatically programmes the laser to a setting which will provide a treatment with optimum results but at a safe level. 

“The treatment itself is 20 minutes and is a combination of two different technologies - a 1540 fractional non ablative laser treatment and intense pulse light treatment.” 

Ideal candidates for this treatment are people with wrinkles, sun damage and pigmentation. 

How quickly the results show depend on each patient. 

Mr Zavahir recommends a course of four to six treatments every four weeks apart for optimum results. 


In the wrong hands this can be dangerous

He added: “I have seen an increase patients requesting hand treatments. It is becoming more popular, either with filler to plump up the hands or skin tightening treatments like the Icon Max G 1540 combination.” 

Results can last from 12 months to a few years, but it varies from patient to patient and depends on how well they look after their hands. 

But is this dangerous and are there any side effects?

Mr Zavahir said: “In the wrong hands yes it can be dangerous, you need tone an experienced practitioner. Patients need to protect the area from direct sunlight and wear SPF on their hands daily. 

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