Champion pole-dancer couple reveal how practising together makes their sex life ‘AMAZING’

A WOMAN has reveals how teaching her boyfriend to pole dance has made the pair’s sex life “amazing”.

By Katrina Turrill, Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Pole dancer PA Real life

Bec convinced boyfriend Sam to take on pole dancing

Former beauty therapist Bec Collins, 34, became hooked on pole dancing after trying a class on recommendation. 

Just weeks after meeting store manager Sam Tavares, 28, she convinced him to learn a few moves. 

At first, he was reluctant to try - but now, he’s an addict, running his own male pole dancing class and winning championships. 

And the couple have found that taking up the sport has improved things for them in the bedroom.

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Sam was reluctant to try at first

Bec of Hobart, Australia, also known as Bebe Sparkle, said: “We both have pretty good fitness which never hurts your sex life/ You have way better body confidence, strength and stamina.

“It’s a lot more fun when your partner can carry you with one arm and flexibility helps. 

“I have always taken it for granted that I can get my feet over my head but I guess that’s a bonus in the bedroom.

“Sometimes, we show each other moves we have been creating but we only live in a small apartment so it’s a bit tricky.”

Sam took to pole dancing straight away, able to do complicated moves such as a ‘human flag’ - where a person holds their body away from the pole horizontally, replying on their arm strength to keep them upright - on the first try. 

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Bec says it's a lot more fun when your partner can carry you with one arm

Bec taught her other half all her tricks, and he was particularly interested in moves which built up upper body strength. 

She would give him private classes ad said he was a natural. 

Within months, he started teaching his own male pole classes in which reincorporates acrobatics, contemporary and hip hop moves. 

Over the years, the couple have competed in and judged a number of pole-dancing championships. 

It was at one of these - the Miss Pole Dance Tasmania competition, which Bec runs - that Sam proposed in front of 400 spectators. 

Pole dancing PA Real Life

Sam even proposed to Bed at a pole dance event

They have not set a date for the wedding yet but are going to Las Vegas in September with some friends and are tempted to do it then - and are sure pole dancing will feature in the ceremony somehow. 

Bec said: “Pole dancing is our life, we are so close and feel strong and toned.” 

Sam, known locally as ‘Sammy T’, added: “It’s a way of expressing yourself, it keeps you fit and it’s very motivating to be passionate about the same thing.” 

This comes after a woman's bikini photo goes viral when internet spot this

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