Tiny boxer on track to be the next ROCKY BALBOA as he imitates his iconic workout routine

MANY of us have icons and aspire to be great, and this little youngster is getting a head start as he follows in the footsteps of his favourite fictional legend.

By Katrina Turrill, Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

baby mimics Rocky Balboa

One very proud dad who lives in Ohio, USA, posted a video of his nappy-clad toddler training with his favourite boxer on Facebook. 

Since then, it’s been shared more than 41,000 times. 

With the video he posted: “Here is the video that everyone wants me to put back up of our little boy Charlie training with his favourite boxer. 

“It brings a smile to our face every time h e asks to ‘workout with Rocky’. 


The next Rocky in the making?

“He takes his workouts very seriously.”

In the video, Charlie mimics Rocky Balboa’s famous training sequence features in the movie Rocky II. 

He stands in front of the TV and is sync with each of Sylvester Stallone’s moves. 

And it becomes obvious that Charlie’s watched this scene more than a few times, as he’s ahead of him in a lot of the moves right at the beginning.


Charlie getting some serious air pretending to jump with a skipping rope

Charlie’s appears very dedicated to every move, doing one armed push-ups and the famous wood chopping exercise. 

For the whole two-and-a-half minute long clip, Charlie’s energy levels are high. 

Thousands of Facebook users impressed my Charlie’s stamina commented on the video to show their support. 

One user said: “Aside from the cuteness look at the fine motor skills this little man has.” 


Charlie doing the iconic wood chopping move

Another said: “This is the cutest thing ever!! He has amazing stamina, tenacity, focus, concentration, rhythm and coordination. That to me spells a little man who is going to be a big success, you must be so proud. Thanks for sharing.” 

Another user added: “This is amazing, someone really needs to get Sylvester Stallone to see this, he needs to meet this little fella.” 

Funnily enough, it did’t take long for the video to reach Sylvester Stallone, who recently shared it on Twitter. 

This comes after some mischievous brothers play the ultimate prank of their dad and he falls for it

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