Bloating stomach: Seven drinks to cut down on if you want to achieve a flat stomach

Bloating is very common and can occur for many different reasons, some of which are due to the foods you choose to eat and the body’s reaction to these foods. There are seven drinks recommended you cut down on if you’re looking to achieve a flat stomach.

By Katrina Turrill, Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Doctor Oz explains top causes of stomach bloating

Bloating can occur as a result of excess wind, constipation, food intolerances or conditions such as IBS or Coeliac disease.

From a medical viewpoint, it’s a non-specific symptom and doctors will look beyond the digestive system to eliminate other causes of abdominal swelling.

Usually bloating and excess wind is caused by certain food and drink in your diet. While how you treat digestive bloating will depend on the cause of the problem, reducing your intake of seven drinks in particular can help, according to head of nutrition at Healthspan, Rob Hobson.

He said: “You should reduce your alcohol intake, avoid fizzy drinks and fizzy water, and steer clear of sugary or ‘diet’ drinks, dark beers or real ales.”

Bloating can occur as a result of excess wind, constipation, food intolerances or conditions such as IBS or Coeliac disease

Other self-help tips from Rob include chewing your food well - aim for 30 chews with each mouthful, drink plenty of water, don’t drink too much before or during a meal as this dilutes your digestive enzymes, avoid stress or learn to cope with it better, and exercise more.

You should also cut down eating Brussels spouts, onion, leeks, cabbage, turnips, fatty foods and cream, and avoid chewing gum constantly.

Rob advised: “Try cutting back on these foods or increasing your intake of them slowly as the effects of bloating do tend to ware off as the body gets used to them.”

You could also try a daily probiotic supplement. Rob said: “Try a daily probiotic supplement such as Healthspan Super 20 Pro (£8.95 for 30 capsules). If you suspect IBS then speak to a registered dietitian about following a FODMAPS diet, which has been shown to help with the condition.”

Also, herbs such as cynara and dandelion, as found in A.Vogel Digestisan, have been used for centuries in helping improve symptoms of indigestion including bloating, Rob added.

Bloating stomach: Seven drinks to cut down on if you want to achieve a flat stomach

Bloating stomach: There are seen drinks recommended you cut down on (Image: GETTY)

You should see your doctor for further advice if you experience abdominal (stomach) pain, especially severe pain, unexplained diarrhoea or vomiting, excessive heartburn, blood in your stools, or dark, tarry stools, and weight loss.

Dr Ayesha Akbar, consultant gastroenterologist from The London Digestive Centre at The Princess Grace Hospital, part of HCA UK, has also identified popular summer foods which could derail attempts for achieving a flat stomach - along with some alternative options to try instead.


Dr Akbar said: “Watermelon is a refreshing snack which is always extremely popular over the summer period. The fruit is packed with antioxidants and vitamins, which can help you to stay hydrated and stop summer colds/illnesses.

“Whilst there’s no denying watermelon is healthy, many people don’t realise that it contains lots of fructose; a type of sugar which is not easily absorbed by the body. For those who struggle to absorb this type of sugar properly, watermelon will cause the release of hydrogen and methane gases, which will ultimately lead to bloating.

“If you find that your tummy bloats after eating watermelon, try replacing it with ‘bloat-free’ fruit alternatives, such as grapefruit and bananas.”


“Similarly to watermelon, apples also contain a high amount of fructose and can lead to ‘fructose malabsorption’ issues,” explained Dr Akbar.

Bloating stomach: Seven drinks to cut down on if you want to achieve a flat stomach

Bloating stomach: Drinking fizzy drinks can cause your tummy to swell (Image: GETTY)

Bloating stomach: Seven drinks to cut down on if you want to achieve a flat stomach

Bloating stomach: Drinking fizzy water can also cause discomfort in your belly (Image: GETTY)

She added: “Cooking apples before eating them can help to reduce the amount of fructose and therefore decrease the negative side effects. Eating just half an apple will also decrease the amount of gas produced by the body. Taking time to chew will also give your body more time to digest the fibre and fructose, which can sometimes help to reduce bloating.

“If you find that these changes aren’t making much of a difference, try eating blueberries as a replacement snack.”


Garlic is incredibly popular in the summer, both for flavouring foods and as a health remedy. But unfortunately, similarly to onions, garlic is rich in fructans which can cause bloating, said Dr Akbar.

She added: “An allergy or intolerance to other compounds found in raw garlic is also fairly common, with symptoms such as bloating, belching and gas occurring as a result.

“To reduce the amount of bloating you experience, be sure to cook the garlic before consuming it - or alternatively, try using other flavourings such as chive, cumin or ginger.”

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