Smelly feet remedy: Six ways to get rid of bad foot odour within a week

SMELLY feet remedy: hot weather can trigger a range of health problems - one in particular, smelly feet. While it’s also a common year-round problem, taking your shoes off more often during the summer months can highlight the problem. The NHS recommends a quick, sure-fire solution, which they say can banish bad foot odour within a week.

By Katrina Turrill , Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

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Smelly feet, medically known as bromodosis, is caused by sweaty feet and wearing the same shoes every day.

Anyone can get sweaty feet, no matter what time of year it is, but you’re more likely to have foot perspiration if you’re on your feet all day, if you’re under a lot of stress, or if you have a condition called hyperhidrosis, which makes you sweat more than usual.

Podiatrist Lorraine Jones told the NHS that feet become smelly if sweat soaks into shoes and they don’t dry before you wear them again.

Bacteria on the skin break down sweat as it comes from the pores. A cheesy odour is released as the sweat decomposes.

She explained: “Your feet sweat into your shoes all day so they get damp and bacteria start to grow. The bacteria continue to breed once you’ve taken your shoes off, especially if you put them in a dark cupboard. Then, who you put your shoes back on the next day, even if you’ve just had a shower, putting your feet into still damp shoes creates the perfect conditions for the bacteria to thrive - warm, dark and moist.”

Smelly feet, medically known as bromodosis, is caused by sweaty feet and wearing the same shoes every day

So how can you get rid of smelly feet?

Lorraine and the health body recommend six ways to banish bad foot odour. The first is to use an anti-bacterial soap called Hibiscrub.

On the NHS Choices website it sates: “There are lots of over-the-counter for hygiene products at your local chemist, but Hibiscrub is the best one.

“Leave on the Hibiscrub for a couple of minutes, then wash it off.”

According to Lorraine: “If you do this twice day, you’ll deficiently banish smelly feet within a week.”

Smelly feet remedy: Six ways to get rid of bad foot odour within a week

Smelly feet remedy: The NHS recommends six ways to get rid of bad foot odour (Image: GETTY)

Smelly feet remedy: Six ways to get rid of bad foot odour within a week

Smelly feet are caused by sweaty feet and wearing the same shoes every day (Image: GETTY)

She adds that you shouldn’t use Hibiscrub on your feet if you have broken skin, such as eczema.

To prevent smelly feet happening, the health body also advises to never wear the same pair of shoes two days in a row, wash and dry your feet every day ad change your socks at least once a day, and keep your toenails short and clean, removing any hard skin with a foot file.

If smelly feet don’t clear up, it can be a sign of a medical condition.

In this circumstance, visit your GP, who may be able to offer you a strong prescription antiperspirant or refer you got a treatment called iontophoresis.

Another common problem during the summer is prickly heat.

Smelly feet remedy: Six ways to get rid of bad foot odour within a week

Smelly feet remedy: (Image: BOOTS)

Prickly heat symptoms can include small red spots, an itchy, prickly feeling, or redness and mild swelling.

These can appear anywhere on the body and spread but it’s not infectious to other people.

The main thing to do is keep your skin cool so you don’t sweat and irritate the rash.

Wearing loose cotton clothing, taking cool baths or showers, and drinking plenty of fluid to avoid dehydration can help this.

But if you’re looking for fast relief to calm the itching or prickly rash, there are three things the NHS recommends you do

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