Is coffee good for you? Nine ways the popular beverage can affect your health

IS COFFEE good for you? It’s probably a question many of us have failed to ask ourselves when getting our daily intake of caffeine. But coffee lovers around the world can rejoice, as the magic bean has been proven to provide a myriad of health benefits.

By Katrina Turrill , Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Coffee and its effect on the brain

Coffee is one of the most popular drinks worldwide, with around two billion cups being consumed in a day.

But how exactly is it improving our health?

Nutritionist Sarah Flower, from Skinny Coffee Club, has offered her expert insight on how your coffee break can actually be contributing to your health.

Lowers risk of cancer

The World Health Organisation used to have coffee on their carcinogenic list, but this was taken off 2 years ago (June 2016) after studies showed that it can actually have a protective effect against cancer, especially for cancers of the liver and uterus.

Sarah said: “There is a link to an increase in oesophageal cancer, but researchers are also linking this to consuming our beverages at high temperatures, risking burning the sensitive lining of our oesophagus. According to a study published in the BMJ – coffee can reduce our risk of prostate cancer, endometrial cancer, melanoma, oral cancer, leukaemia and liver cancer.”

According to a study published in the BMJ – coffee can reduce our risk of prostate cancer, endometrial cancer, melanoma, oral cancer, leukaemia and liver cancer

Boosts weight loss

Coffee has the ability to enhance weight loss but it is important that you choose a blend that offers the most weight loss benefits.

Sarah added: “For example, Skinny Coffee Club is a great beverage for anyone who wants to boost weight loss. It contains a blend of ground coffee, green coffee bean extract, green tea extract, spirulina and Garcinia Cambogia and Siberian ginseng, all of which work together to help speed up the metabolism, reduce appetite and burn more fat.

“I also love Siberian ginseng, the ultimate adaptogen herb which also helps balance the adrenals. It is recommended that you drink one caffeinated coffee in the morning and one decaffeinated in the evening. The evening blend contains spirulina, chlorella and fennel. Fennel is a wonderful herb which helps combat bloating and other digestive problems.”

Lowers risk of type 2 diabetes

Studies show that those who regularly drink coffee have a 23-50 per cent lower risk of getting type 2 Diabetes.

Sarah explained: “This is because it is believed to reduce sensitivity to insulin. Now, before you rush out and consume gallons of coffee, it is important to recognise that many of us are loading our cups of coffee with sugar – the leading cause of type 2 diabetes. Try to avoid flavouring your coffee with syrups and lots of sugar to ensure you aren’t offsetting the health benefits coffee can offer.”

Is coffee good for you? Nine ways the popular beverage can affect your health

Is coffee good for you? There are nine ways the popular beverage can affect your health (Image: GETTY)

Is coffee good for you? Nine ways the popular beverage can affect your health

Is coffee good for you? A cup of Joe has been shown to lower your risk of cancer (Image: GETTY)

Lower risk of stroke and heart disease

There is strong evidence which suggests that 3-4 cups of coffee per day can lower the risk of premature death, especially from stroke and heart disease.

Sarah said: “Interestingly, this does not have the same positive effect for young adults with hypertension. This is because coffee can raise blood pressure and create abnormal heart rhythms, especially when drunk in excess. The stimulating reaction, however, is believed to reduce with those who drink coffee every day, as they become more used to it.”

Clears the liver

Numerous studies have shown that coffee can help protect against liver damage, as well as liver cancer, when consuming up to 3 cups a day.

Sarah adde: “Interestingly, a study published in the journal Hepatology, showed decaffeinated coffee lowered liver enzymes, indicating that there may be chemical compounds in coffee other than caffeine which help to protect the liver.”

Feeds the brain

Coffee is often people’s ‘go to’ drink when they are in need of a quick burst of energy or alertness, due to caffeine’s stimulating effect. Caffeine blocks an inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain called Adenosine, which in turn increases norepinephrine and dopamine, explained Sarah.

She continued: “This increase of norepinephrine and dopamine helps to give us a feeling of increased energy, mood, concentration and cognitive function. This is discussed in a study published in the journal Neurology, which also showed that coffee can help control movement amongst people with Parkinson’s disease.

Is coffee good for you? Nine ways the popular beverage can affect your health

Is coffee good for you? A brew has also been proven to lower your risk of type 2 diabetes (Image: GETTY)

Reduce appetite

Coffee can stimulate thermogenesis (heat and energy) which in turn reduces our appetite and temporary need for food.

Sarah added: “Also, Chlorogenic acid, slows down the absorption of carbohydrates and supresses our hunger hormone, Ghrelin. This hormone is stimulated by carbohydrates, sitting in our stomach and growling at us to feed it more and more. Carbohydrates also shut off our leptin response – this is the hormone that tells our brain when we are full. By supressing ghrelin and stimulating leptin, we effectively reduce our appetite. It is also interesting to note that decaffeinated coffee still contains the important Chlorogenic Acid, and therefore could still produce an appetite supressing effect.

“However, as previously mentioned, some coffees can contain a huge number of calories and sugars, all of which contributes to weight gain as well as insulin and ghrelin. If you are opting for coffee to help lose weight, you are better off drinking black coffee or just with a little milk – no sugar or flavoured syrups.”

Give your metabolism a boost

Your daily coffee break can help boost your metabolic rate, stimulating thermogenesis, which can ultimately help you burn more fat.

Coffee also contains Chlorogenic acid, which helps slow down the absorption of carbohydrates as well as stimulating the hormone Epinephrine, which helps break down the fat.

Sarah advised: “Before you start guzzling coffee all day long, the fat burning effect diminishes the more coffee you have, and you could become intolerant to its effects, so it is actually better to choose your coffee wisely and drink only a few cups per day to ensure you enjoy all the benefits.”

Improve performance

Caffeine has been shown to help improve performance in the gym, especially amongst endurance sports or HIIT, which is why so many diet pills and sports nutrition contains elements of caffeine, due to its stimulant properties.

Sarah explained: “As caffeine helps burn more fat stores, it uses these as fuel; this means the traditional carb stores in your liver and muscles are depleted at a slower rate and can delay fatigue. Caffeine also stimulates the central nervous system, and this has been said to help make exercise feel less arduous when training. It is important that you monitor your reaction to the caffeine, as some people are more sensitive to the stimulating effects of caffeine than others, so you are your own guide to how much you can tolerate. I would advise to drink no more than three-five cups of coffee per day.”

But, Starbucks and other coffee sellers in California were recently forced to put a cancer warning on coffee.

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