Back pain treatment: Sleeping in this position can help alleviate painful symptoms

BACK pain is common and usually clears up quickly, within a few weeks, as long as it is not linked to a more serious health problem. The symptoms can be debilitating, but while you wait for your back to improve, sleeping in a particular position can help.

By Katrina Turrill , Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Exercise is the best way to combat back pain

Back pain is common and normally improves within a few weeks or months, but there are a variety of different things it can be caused by - some more serious than others. Your doctor will be able to to determine what the cause is when evaluating your back.

In most cases the pain is not caused by anything serious and will usually get better over time.

Your daily habits can affect your back, and certain things can either alleviate pain or make it worse.

Even after your back has recovered, changing the way you do certain things in your life can help you maintain a healthy, pain-free back for a long time.

One of these is sleeping with a pillow under your knees, as recommended by Healthline.

Back pain treatment: Sleeping in this position can help alleviate painful symptoms GETTY

Back pain treatment: Sleeping in a particular position can help alleviate painful symptoms

Sleeping on your back puts pressure on your spine. Elevating your legs slightly relieves this pressure on your back as you sleep

The site states: “Sleeping on your back puts pressure on your spine. Elevating your legs slightly relieves this pressure on your back as you sleep.

“You can cut that pressure in half by placing a pillow under your knees.”

Sleeping on your back is considered the best position for sleep by the National Sleep Foundation.

The position allows the head, neck and spine to rest in a neutral position.

It said: “Sleeping facing the ceiling also ideal for warding off acid reflux. Just be sure to use a pillow that elevates and supports your head enough—you want your stomach to be below your oesophagus to prevent food or acid from coming up your digestive tract.”

Back pain treatment: Sleeping in this position can help alleviate painful symptoms GETTY

Back pain treatment: Sleeping on your back puts pressure on your spine

But, for patients of sleep apnea, you should avoid sleeping on your back as the tongue could block the breathing tube.

Sleeping on your side can also help to ward off back and neck pain as the spine is elongated.

It added: “Plus, you’re less likely to snore in this snooze posture, because it keeps airways open.

“Fifteen per cent of adult choose to sleep on their side, but there’s one downside - it can lead to wrinkles, because half of your face pushes against a pillow.”

A position you should avoid sleeping in is on your front. While it is good for easing snoring, it’s bad for practically everything else.

Back pain treatment: Sleeping in this position can help alleviate painful symptoms GETTY

Back pain treatment: Sleeping with a pillow under your knees can help alleviate symptoms

It can cause back and neck pain, as the spine is not usually in a neutral position.

It also puts pressure on your muscles and joints, which causes numbness, tingling, and irritated joints.

The National Sleep Foundation said: “It’s best to try to choose another position, but if you must sleep on your stomach, try lying facedown to keep upper airways open—instead of with your head turned to one side—with your forehead propped up on a pillow to allow room to breathe.”

The NHS recommends staying as active as possible, trying exercises and stretches specifically for back pain, and taking inflammatory painkillers.

Other health experts say these supplements can help reduce symptoms of back pain

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