New formula seeks to REDUCE risk of cancer in processed meats

GREENGROCER Chris Bavin set out discover whether certain claims about meat, linking it to cancer and heart disease, are justified on BBC One’s The Truth About Meat.

By Katrina Turrill , Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

The danger of sodium nitrate in our meat

With reports labelling meat as “public health enemy number one”, Chris asked the question - how worried should we be about eating meat? And should we be eating it at all. 

Links between processed meats and cancer have been hitting the headlines, particularly in the last few years, and Chris visited a food scientist at Reading University to find out just how dangerous processed meats can be to people’s health. 

Some reports have likened eating processed meats, such as bacon and sausages, to smoking cigarettes. 

The World Health Organisation has come to the conclusion that eating processed meat is definite cause of bowel cancer. 


Chris Bavin explored the risk of cancer in processed meats

And the ingredient in processed meats causing most concern is sodium nitrate. 

Chris said processed meats are the UK’s favourite choice of meat, with people eating 30 per cent more now than in the 1970s. 

Sodium nitrate is added to meats which have been modified to make it last longer or to change its taste. 

It’s also used for safety reasons - to kill bacteria that can lead to botulism. 


Reports have linked eating processed meats to bowel cancer

Despite the addition of sodium nitrate, Chris found that processed meats such as bacon still hold nutritional value, and the same nutrients as fresh meat. 

But a food scientist from Reading University revealed that while sodium nitrate protects us from food poisoning and the meat from spoiling, it can also harm us. 

But a new commercial formula is in the pipeline to combat the negative effects of nitrate. 

The Reading University scientist, as part of seven years of research, has created a formula, with a large amount of green tea extract and other plant extracts, which can cut the amount of nitrate in sausages by 50 per cent. 


The new formula should slash the amount of nitrate needed in processed meats

While the new formula has primarily been tested on hams and sausages, it’s expected to have the same effect on all kinds of products. 

Chris said the commercial formula should be ready in the not too distant future, but for now, people should look at processed meats as more of a “treat than a daily diet”. 

He said: “Be aware it comes with risks if you’re eating processed meats.” 

This comes after it was revealed being slim does not protect you from bowel cancer. 

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