Family doctor shares six signs of dementia you can look out for at social gatherings

While there's many different types of dementia and symptoms, a doctor shared six signs you can look out for.

By Katrina Turrill, Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Older man looking at his watch

People with dementia may do things like put their watch in the freezer (Image: GETTY)

Dementia is not a specific disease, but a general term used to describe a group of symptoms affecting memory, thinking and social abilities. Symptoms of dementia depend on the cause.

For example, vascular dementia is caused by damage to the vessels that supply blood to the brain, and the most common symptoms include problem-solving, slowed thinking and loss of focus.

Family doctor, Dr Jen Caudle, has been touched by dementia personally. Posting to her TikTok channel that has more than 160,000 followers, she said: “Dementia can be a really tough condition, a really tough disease. It’s something that’s literally touched my family personally. I have multiple relatives with dementia, relatives who have had dementia.

“It affects millions of people. We often think that yes as we get older memory loss does become more common but that is not dementia.”

Dr Caudle described dementia as affecting a person’s ability to live their life and to function.

She then listed the following six signs to look out for:

  • People may start naming things the wrong name.
  • They may put a watch in a freezer
  • People with dementia may get lost or wander even unfamiliar routes
  • They may have problems understanding language
  • May have trouble expressing themselves
  • May have personality changes

Dr Caudle continued: “There’s many different symptoms of dementia, and understand that there’s many different types of dementia too.

Older man looking confused

People with dementia may have trouble expressing themselves (Image: GETTY)

Alzheimer’s dementia is the most common but there are many different types of dementia.”

Dr Caudle also advised: “What I would say is that if you or a loved one is experiencing symptoms that you just don’t understand or seem different or unusual make sure you get checked out, that’s one of the most important things.”

There’s currently no cure for dementia, but an early diagnosis can, in some cases, help slow progression of the disease so the person can maintain their mental function for longer.

The NHS says: “A diagnosis helps people with dementia get the right treatment and support. It can also help them, and the people close to them, to prepare for the future.

“With treatment and support, many people are able to lead active, fulfilled lives with dementia.”

Research shows there are more than 944,000 people in the UK who have dementia, and the number of people with the condition is increasing because people are living longer.

It’s estimated by 20230 the number of people with dementia in the UK will be more than one million.

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