Trendy health drink could ease uncomfortable Covid symptoms, according to nutritionist

One particular "anti-inflammatory" drink could help fight a Covid infection, according to an expert.

By Diana Buntajova, Health Reporter based in London, specialising in personal stories, breaking news, and nutrition.

GMB: Professor Susan Hopkins asked about symptoms of Covid

Characterised by earthy and peppery taste, turmeric has seen a massive boom in popularity when many cafes introduced the addition of turmeric lattes to their menus.

However, turmeric lattes, also known as golden milk, have been a part of Indian culture for centuries.

Boasting various health benefits, turmeric is celebrated for its potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

What’s more, Mays Al-Ali, a nutritionist from Healthy Mays, told that the trendy drink could also relieve certain Covid symptoms.

Al-Ali said: “Turmeric is anti-viral and anti-inflammatory and will boost your inflammatory response to the virus.”

Turmeric latte could ease uncomfortable Covid symptoms, nutritionist shares.

Turmeric latte could ease uncomfortable Covid symptoms, nutritionist shares. (Image: GETTY)

The nutritionist explained that the potent drink could ease fatigue and muscle aches, also known as myalgia.

Myalgia has cemented itself as a tell-tale Covid sign after the Omicron variant threw the world into chaos back in November 2021.

However, a case report, published in the journal Cureus, found that turmeric might not only benefit these two coronavirus symptoms.

After looking at two men in their twenties, the researchers discovered that the anti-inflammatory spice could improve loss of smell and taste.

Anti-viral and anti-inflammatory turmeric could boost your inflammatory response to the virus.

Anti-viral and anti-inflammatory turmeric could boost your inflammatory response to the virus. (Image: GETTY)

The first man, 25, managed to recover from the majority of mild Covid symptoms but the loss of sense of smell and taste stayed with him without any improvement.

After he ingested a single supplement pill packed with 1000 milligram (mg) of turmeric extract and 10 mg of black pepper extract, he experienced complete restoration of smell and taste just ten minutes after he took the pill.

The other man, 28, took three days to completely restore his partial loss of smell and hampered taste.

He was taking supplements of 1000 mg of turmeric extract, 1000 mg of Boswellia serrata plant extract, and 15 mg of black pepper extract. 

Both of the supplements used by the men also contained black pepper, which is crucial to activate turmeric’s effects, according to Al-Ali.

To increase your absorption of the active ingredient in the golden spice, known as curcumin, the nutritionist recommended simmering fresh turmeric in hot water for 10 mins with black pepper and a dash of coconut oil as “both increase the absorption”.

Mays added: “I also recommend my fire cider drink where you simmer both fresh turmeric and fresh ginger with black pepper, cayenne for 10 mins, then add in apple cider vinegar with the mother, fresh lemon juice and manuka honey to drink - have it three times per day and it will help fight the viral infection.

“Ginger and honey are both anti-viral, helping support the immune system and reducing the cytokine storm that drives Covid by dampening the immune system.”

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