‘I lifted up my son’s Halloween mask…next we were rushing him to A&E’

Vicky Winn thought her son was having an allergic reaction, but his symptoms led to a devastating diagnosis.

By Katrina Turrill, Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Blood cancer: Symptoms explained by healthcare professionals

Vicky Winn and husband Zack, 32, noticed their son Harry started to suffer from illnesses such as stomach aches and fatigue.

But the couple, from West Derby, said it wasn’t something they were “concerned about” initially, putting it down to the four-year-old picking up illnesses at nursery.

But on Halloween last year, Vicky and Zack noticed something more serious was going on with their son.

Vicky told the Liverpool Echo: “We went trick or treating and we lifted Harry’s mask up and saw his cheeks were really swollen.

“We panicked and thought he was having an allergic reaction from something he ate.

Boy blood cancer symptoms

Vicky and Zack noticed Harry started to suffer from illnesses such as stomach aches and fatigue (Image: DKMS)

“We rushed him to A&E.”

Doctors initially thought Harry was suffering from mumps, but after two weeks, Harry showed no improvement and his condition deteriorated.

Vicky took her son to the walk-in centre where a nurse told her to “get him to hospital now”.

Harry, three-years-old at the time, was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia - a type of blood cancer that starts from white blood cells called lymphocytes in the bone marrow.

Harry and Oscar

Harry's brother Oscar was born at the time of his diagnosis (Image: DKMS)

Vicky was seven months pregnant at the time of Harry’s diagnosis.

She said: “It was scary for us as a family, we thought 'we can't do this' and did not see how we were going to cope as a family with a newborn. But Oscar came at the end of January and he fitted right in and we made it work.

"We are really lucky we had family and friends around us who stepped up and helped so much."

Harry’s treatment was “touch and go”, with a three week stint in hospital over Christmas after Harry got septic shock, a month into his chemotherapy.

But now Harry is in remission and will receive chemotherapy until December 2024.

Fortunately Harry doesn’t require a bone marrow transplant, but if he were to relapse in the future, this may be required.

Vicky has teamed up with blood cancer charity DKMS to urge people to register as potentially lifesaving stem cell donors.

In just 10 percent of cases, donors will be required to donate bone marrow.

It’s a one-hour inpatient procedure carried out under general anaesthetic via a simple needle in the iliac (hip) bone, and the small incision typically heals very quickly and usually doesn’t require stitches.

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