Woman, 31, who ignored her headaches now has severe sight problems

Rebecca Lennox's headaches were a sign of a condition that has now left her unable to see her kids "clearly", go out by herself, work or drive.

By Diana Buntajova, Health Reporter based in London, specialising in personal stories, breaking news, and nutrition.

Rebecca Lennox, 31, always thought her headaches were just a “normal” occurrence.

Rebecca Lennox, 31, always thought her headaches were just a “normal” occurrence. (Image: SWNS/Rebecca Lennox)

Rebecca Lennox, 31, always thought her headaches were just a “normal” occurrence. However, the painful sign was pointing to an underlying rare condition. Unfortunately, the mum has now been left with severe sight problems that mean she can’t do the things she used to be able to do.

Rebecca’s headaches started to worsen in 2020, with her vision also starting to take a hit in December that year.

The mum has long struggled with cluster headaches, which are considered one of the most painful types, according to the Mayo Clinic.

The culprits commonly awaken sufferers in the middle of the night with intense pain in or around one eye on one side of the head.

When the headaches became worse around the festive period, Rebecca thought it was the stress that comes with this time.

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Now, she is registered as severely sight impaired.

Now, she is registered as severely sight impaired. (Image: GETTY)

However, when the issue didn’t go away in January, she decided to go get her eyes tested.

To her shock, the mum was told she should go to hospital straight away.

After ruling out a suspected brain tumour, tests revealed that Rebecca was suffering with high pressure around her brain, known as intracranial hypertension.

The NHS explains that this can crop up suddenly as the result of a severe head injury or a condition that targets the brain.

After undergoing a lumbar puncture, where a thin needle is inserted between the bones in the lower spine, Rebecca’s vision improved but then deteriorated again.

The mum explained that despite undergoing numerous further lumbar puncture procedures, her vision would always become blurry again.

Now, she is registered as severely sight impaired and said she has periods where her vision goes entirely.

“When it went completely, I didn’t know if it was going to come back or not – I was worried I would be completely blind forever,” Rebecca, who lives with husband Allan Lennox, 36, and her two children in Liverpool, said.

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Rebecca said she can’t even see her two children “clearly” anymore.

Rebecca said she can’t even see her two children “clearly” anymore. (Image: SWNS/Rebecca Lennox)

The mum explained that her condition has changed her whole life.

Rebecca, who used to work as a student nurse, said: “It's impacted me being a mum, I can't do a lot of things on my own anymore.

“I’ve got to have someone with me and be supervised for a lot of things – I can’t go out by myself, and I can’t cook by myself.

“I’m not allowed to drive anymore, I can’t do my job anymore. I’m sad I can’t do the things I used to be able to do.”

Rebecca said she can’t even see her two children “clearly” and she feels it could have been prevented.

She added: “I’m sort of frustrated at the hospitals for not doing more when they could have done more. 

“It’s frustrating that this could have possibly been prevented.”

Now, she urges everyone not to dismiss their recurrent headaches. “For so long, I used to put mine down to just being a normal headache, but they were so debilitating to the point I couldn’t get out of bed or open my eyes,” Rebecca said.

“This condition is so rare, but people need to know about it.”

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