Hair loss 'may be a sign of poor circulation' warns expert - what to look out for

Many associate poor circulation with being cold or the feeling of pins and needles, and although it may not sound immediately alarming, restricted blood flow due to blocked arteries can quickly become fatal.

By Katrina Turrill, Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Hair loss in the lower limbs poor circulation

Loss of hair in the lower limbs could be something to be aware of (Image: GETTY)

While those with medical conditions such as diabetes, high cholesterol, and obesity are more susceptible to poor circulation, it can impact anyone at any age. In the worst cases, poor circulation can lead to amputation with an estimated 5,000 amputations in the UK every year. Professor A. Davies, Vascular Surgeon and Clinical Trial Lead for Revitive Circulation Booster, shared the unexpected signs of poor circulation, which includes hair loss.

Loss of hair in the lower limbs is something to be aware of, according to Professor Davies.

He explained: "While some might appreciate a smooth leg, unintentional hair loss on the legs and feet may be a sign of poor circulation.

"The lack of blood to the legs means hair follicles will not get enough nourishment and will eventually die. This is more apparent in men with many noticing a clear ‘sock line’ of hair-free skin develop.

"This lack of blood flow to the legs can quickly escalate to more dangerous symptoms."

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Upset stomach poor circulation

An upset stomach could also signal poor circulation (Image: GETTY)

Professor Davies listed other unexpected signs:

Cold feet and numbness all year round with a burning sensation

"Cold feet may be the more well-known sign of poor circulation but how do you know if you are just prone to chilly toes or if it's something more serious?" Said Professor Davies.

"If the rest of your body is warm but the feet are still icy cold or if you are experiencing pain at the same time, then chances are poor circulation is the issue. In fact, lack of blood flow to the legs is a common cause of cold feet.

"And while some may struggle with pain caused by poor circulation, numbness can be just as bad. Pins and needles that come with numbness in the feet can not only be uncomfortable but can also cause balance issues and mask potential foot injuries."


Poor circulation means that blocked arteries reduce the amount of blood getting to the legs potentially leading to non-healing ulcers, said Professor Davies.

He added: "These open sores often occur on the lower leg with some presenting with no pain meaning many consider them harmless.  Any reoccurring sore or a sore that will not heal should not be ignored and must be treated to avoid infection and further complications."

Upset stomach

Abdominal pain, diarrhoea and blood in your poo? It may not be something you ate, said Professor Davies.

"Although very rare it can be a sign of poor circulation.

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Dizziness and poor circulation

Dizziness can also occur due to poor circulation (Image: GETTY)

"As with all vital organs, your stomach needs a flow of oxygen-rich blood to function properly. Organ failure due to restricted blood flow can lead to digestive problems and lack of appetite due to the metabolism slowing down."

Dizziness and memory loss

Feeling inexplicably dizzy, losing your balance, and being forgetful?

Professor Davies said this can be a sign of poor circulation, as not enough blood is getting to the brain.

He added: "Your brain will cut back on certain functions such as memory and balance."

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