How to live longer: The 'simple' lifestyle changes that could 'increase' your lifespan

WHILE there's no secret recipe that can guarantee a longer life, staving off the precursors to chronic disease can be potent. An expert shares the five "simple" lifestyle tweaks that can do this with gusto.

By Diana Buntajova, Health Reporter based in London, specialising in personal stories, breaking news, and nutrition.

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With chronic disease lurking around every corner, your longevity can be threatened by the likes of heart disease and cancer - the leading causes of death globally. However, you could cut your chances of these severe conditions by leading a healthy lifestyle.

From a healthy diet to a “strong” sleep routine, Navin Khosla, medical writer at NiceRx, has shared the cornerstones of healthy life that can also boost your longevity.

Khosla said: “The importance of good health has been highlighted over recent years and there are a number of simple lifestyle changes we can make that will not only improve our physical and mental health, but also increase our chances of living a long and happy life.

“Monitoring the foods you eat and the calories attached to them is a great starting point, as well as incorporating more plant-based foods into your diet, such as fruit, vegetables and nuts. 

“As well as providing the body with a range of vitamins, research has suggested that they can increase your lifespan.”

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How to live longer: The lifestyle changes that could 'increase' lifespan include sleep.

How to live longer: The lifestyle changes that could 'increase' lifespan include sleep. (Image: GETTY)

It’s no secret that a diet rich in ultra-processed foods is a stepping stone to various health problems.

However, swapping plastic-wrapped foods with a long shelf life for fresh plant-based alternatives can help boost your longevity.

Khosla said: “Foods such as nuts, fruit, vegetables, wholegrains and other plant foods are packed with nutrients and antioxidants which are essential for the body. 

“Studies have shown that a number of these foods can reduce the risk of cancer, heart disease and more, which will improve your quality of life.”


Although what you eat is crucial, the expert also recommended keeping an eye on your calorie intake.

Khosla said: “As well as helping you to lose weight and feel healthier overall, studies have suggested that staying within the recommended calorie intake can help to increase your lifespan

“Although this hasn’t been scientifically proven, we’re encouraged to watch our calorie intake to prevent the likes of heart disease, diabetes and other life-limiting illnesses.”

While a healthy diet is key when it comes to “increasing” your lifespan, there are also other important interventions.

READ MORE: Stroke: Older people should cut back on a popular food - 'Causes blockages' in arteries

Research has suggested that just 15 minutes a day could add extra three years to your lifespan.

Research has suggested that just 15 minutes a day could add extra three years to your lifespan. (Image: GETTY)

“As well as eating a balanced diet, it’s important to keep active and aiming for 15 minutes of exercise each day will reduce your risk of heart disease, depression and diabetes, whilst helping you lose weight and prevent premature death,” Khosla said.

Research has suggested that just 15 minutes a day could add extra three years to your lifespan, the expert added.

Whether you hit the gym or take a brisk walk, there are many benefits linked to various exercises.

Another intervention that could boost your longevity is limiting your alcohol intake.

Tips to boost longevity include exercise.

Tips to boost longevity include exercise. (Image:

While everyone enjoys a glass of wine or a pint of beer from time to time, it’s important to keep your drinking in check.

Khosla said: “Research has suggested that reducing your alcohol intake can reduce the risk of premature death by around 18 percent, meaning we can all enjoy our favourite tipple every now and again.”

Last but not least, a sleep routine is also crucial not only for your energy levels but also your longevity.

The expert explained that sticking to a “strong” routine is very important while ensuring you hit the sweet spot.

“Sleeping more than nine hours could lower your lifespan by around 38 percent,” Khosla added.

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