The signs in your pee there could be something wrong with your kidneys - doctor warns

KIDNEYS are two bean-shaped organs, located below your rib cage on each side of your spine. They have various functions in the body, such as filtering blood and removing waste and extra water. Dr Punam Krishan has shared the warning signs in the pee which could be signalling there's something wrong with your kidneys.

By Diana Buntajova, Health Reporter based in London, specialising in personal stories, breaking news, and nutrition.

Kidneys: Expert details the signs something might be wrong

Health problems with these bean-shaped organs include kidney disease. There are certain conditions putting you at a greater risk of kidney complications, varying from diabetes to high blood pressure, the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) explains. Here are the symptoms of kidney problems to look out for.

Dr Krishan joined Morning Live to talk about the importance of kidneys in the body.

As with any organ in our bodies, things can go “wrong” with the kidneys.

The doctor explained that to make sure the kidneys stay healthy, you have to pay attention to when things “go wrong”.

Depending on what exactly the problem is, the symptoms can vary.

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Kidney health: The warning signs in your pee.

Kidney health: The warning signs in your pee. (Image: GETTY)

She described four warning signs of kidney problems that you can spot when you go to the loo:

  • Cloudy urine
  • Smelly urine
  • Frothy urine
  • Bloody urine.

Dr Krishan said: “If there’s a problem with the blood being passed out the urine, all those things, you really need to be taking that seriously.”

Blood in your pee is a symptom of kidney disease, according to the NHS.


This symptom usually develops later if kidney disease isn’t found early or if it progresses despite treatment.

The early stages of kidney disease rarely cause symptoms.

That’s because the body can cope with a significant reduction in kidney function, the NHS explains.

In case you’re not familiar with kidney disease, it describes a long-term condition in which kidneys don’t work as they should.

When there’s something wrong with your kidneys, it can affect other aspects of your health.

When there’s something wrong with your kidneys, it can affect other aspects of your health. (Image: GETTY)

This condition can be common as you get older but it can affect anyone.

However, warning signs in your pee aren’t the only symptom of kidney problems, according to Dr Krishan.

Other signs can include:

  • Puffy face
  • Breathlessness
  • Tiredness
  • Swollen ankles
  • Headaches.

When there’s something wrong with your kidneys, it can affect other aspects of your health.

So, if you’re struggling with any symptoms like these you should speak to your doctor to find the proper cause and get the right help.

Drink plenty of water to protect your kidneys.

Drink plenty of water to protect your kidneys. (Image: GETTY)

How can you protect your kidneys?

“[Drink] plenty of water… making sure you’re trying to get your two to three litres of water in a day is important.

“Some people struggle to drink that so infuse it with fruits, and remember, your fruits and veggies do count as well as your cups of tea and coffee.

Diet - make sure it’s healthy. Watch supplements, make sure you’re not taking excess amounts of calcium.

“And limit your alcohol intake,” she concluded.

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