Omicron: The more 'intense' symptom appearing in unvaccinated patients - doctor's advice

SOUTH African doctor Angelique Coetzee has shared a specific symptom that seems to be targeting the unvaccinated patients on Sky News. She described this symptom as more "intense" for those who haven't had their jab.

By Diana Buntajova, Health Reporter based in London, specialising in personal stories, breaking news, and nutrition.

Covid: Dr Angelique Coetzee discusses symptoms

The chair of the South African Medical Association Dr Angelique Coetzee shared another warning sign that could be signalling the new Covid variant called Omicron. She first spotted the new strain, believed to have originated in southern Africa.

Dr Coetzee has shared that one of the symptoms of the new variant is a headache.

She also informed the symptoms seem to be mild for many and the average person will recover after seven days.

However, this is not the case for unvaccinated patients as she noticed they experience the signs more intensely.

Speaking to the Sky News, she said: “Unvaccinated patients seem to experience the severity of the myalgia and headache more intense than our vaccinated patients.

READ MORE: Omicron: The ‘initial’ symptom seen in 89% of those infected with the strain - CDC report

Omicron: More 'intense' headache is appearing in unvaccinated patients.

Omicron: More 'intense' headache is appearing in unvaccinated patients (Image: GETTY)

“Vaccinated people even recover quicker than unvaccinated people,” she added.

Myalgia is another symptom linked to the new variant that seems to be more “intense” for patients without their jab.

Myalgia occurs when your muscles ache and are in pain, according to Hopkins Medicine.

Dr Coetzee described this as feeling of “sore” muscles.


The South African doctor listed these as the main symptoms of Omicron:

  • Sore muscles (myalgia)
  • Headache
  • Fatigue.

She noted that fatigue, which describes tiredness, lasts usually for a day or two.

Dr Coetzee said: “We ask people to get tested even if they wake up with a slight headache and are not feeling well. Please, come and let us double-check."

The main symptoms of Omicron are sore muscles (myalgia), headache, fatigue.

The main symptoms of Omicron are sore muscles (myalgia), headache, fatigue. (Image: GETTY)

She then advised that if you wake up in the morning with a headache or myalgia, you should wait for 24 hours before doing your lateral flow test (rapid antigen test).

Dr Coetzee added: “The rapid test can still be false negative in the first period, but after 24 hours up until five to six days later, the rapid test is more than sufficient to detect positive cases.

“We do, however, have patients who say they are not feeling very well, they just need to double-check, they have this headache, then we do PCR and normally that will be positive.”

Don’t forget the NHS states anyone with Covid symptoms should isolate until they receive a negative PCR test result.

UK coronavirus map.

UK coronavirus map. (Image: )

The symptoms generally seem to be similar for most of the patients but vaccinated people only seem to suffer from mild disease of the new variant, according to the doctor.

When it comes to the spread of the virus, she noted: “If we look at the transmissibility of the Omicron virus, it’s most probably equal currently to Delta.

“But it might be more transmissible than Delta.

“We would only know as time progresses and we reach the top of our curve regarding whether it would be more.”

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