Gladys Knight: Singer's secret battle with breast cancer - how to spot the symptoms

GLADYS KNIGHT is set to sing the national anthem at Super Bowl LIII. The seven-time Grammy Award winner will be representing her home city of Atlanta - the city hosting the event. But amidst her many successful years in the music industry, Gladys has also endured a secret battle with cancer.

By Katrina Turrill, Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

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Gladys Knight, 74, revealed she had breast cancer at the funeral Aretha Franklin last year. While she spoke with WDIV (a local television station in Detroit, Michigan) at the memorial service, Knight, a friend of the soul singer who died of pancreatic cancer, said: “We shared the fact that that we had the same disease.” But at the time of the statement she didn’t disclose when she was diagnosed with the illness.

Gladys Knight revealed she had breast cancer at the funeral Aretha Franklin last year

At the time, Knight’s rep Jay Schwartz denied the singer had the disease, saying: “Gladys does not have pancreatic cancer. She is fine!”

But in a statement to Rolling Stone shortly after, via Schwartz, Knight cleared up the miscommunication.

She said: “I’d like to clarify that Aretha and I discussed both of us having cancer, mine was stage one breast cancer and hers was pancreatic.

“Due to early detection, I am cancer-free and grateful for that.”

Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in the UK.

While it’s most common in women over the age of 50, younger women can also get breast cancer.

Gladys Knight: Singer's secret battle with breast cancer - how to spot the symptoms

Gladys Knight: The singer revealed her secret battle with cancer last year (Image: GETTY)

A range of symptoms are associated with the disease, but the first noticeable sign is usually a lump or area of thickened breast tissue.

But the NHS adds: “Most breast lumps aren;t cancerous, but it’s always best to have them checked by your doctor.”

Other symptoms of breast cancer to note are:

  • A change in the size or shape of one or both breasts
  • Discharge from either of your nipples, which may be streaked with blood
  • A lump or swelling in either of your armpits
  • Dimpling on the skin of your breasts
  • A rash on or around your nipple
  • A change in the appearance of your nipple, such as becoming sunken into your breast

The health body further notes that breast pain isn’t usually a symptom of breast cancer.

Gladys Knight: Singer's secret battle with breast cancer - how to spot the symptoms

Gladys Knight revealed she shared the "same disease" with Aretha Franklin (Image: GETTY)

Gladys Knight: Singer's secret battle with breast cancer - how to spot the symptoms

Gladys Knight: Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in the UK (Image: GETTY)

If you notice any of these symptoms you should make an appointment to see your GP right away.

Survival is generally very good for breast cancer and is continuing to improve, according to Cancer Research UK.

Survival depends on many different factors.

It explains: “It depends on your individual condition, type of cancer, treatment and level of fitness. So not one can tell you exactly how long you will live.

“These are general statistics based on large groups of patients. Remember they can’t tell you what will happen in your individual case.

“Your doctor can give you more information about your own outlook (prognosis).”

Dr Hilary Jones gave a demonstration on how to check for lumps on ITV’s Lorraine

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