High blood pressure: Seven foods to include in your diet to help lower your reading

HIGH blood pressure is a common condition in the UK but can be easily controlled through some simple lifestyle changes, such as eating a healthy, balanced diet. But what foods should you be eating in particular?

By Katrina Turrill, Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

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High blood pressure can be difficult to detect because symptoms are rarely noticeable. To find out what your blood pressure is you should visit your GP who can measure it for you. If you’re diagnosed with high blood pressure, or you’re looking to prevent it, one of the best ways is to be cautious of what you eat. Eating less salt, sugar and saturated fat is recommended, as these can elevate your reading, but other foods have been found to be beneficial.

Being cautious of what foods you eat can help lower your high blood pressure reading


Eating wholegrain versions of regular food, like rolled oats and porridge, has been found to lower the risk of high blood pressure, says the American Heart Foundation.

But you should remember to watch your portion size.


This fruit have long been linked to regulating blood pressure. A Queen Margaret University study found participants who drank 500ml of pomegranate juice had a reduction in blood pressure.

Pomegranates act as an angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor, which helps blood vessels to relax and open up, lowering blood pressure.


In a study, people who added 30g of flaxseeds to their diet every day for six months say their systolic blood pressure (the top number of a blood pressure reading) drop around 15mmHg and their diastolic blood pressure (the bottom number) to around 8mmHg.

The researchers concluded the drop in blood pressure from eating flaxseeds could result in 50 per cent less strokes and 30 per cent less heart attacks.

High blood pressure: Seven foods to include in your diet to help lower your reading

High blood pressure: There are seven foods that can help lower your reading (Image: GETTY)

Dark chocolate

Some studies show dark chocolate may have a blood pressure lowering effect.

Researchers from the University of Adelaide, Australia found the consumption of this type of chocolate can modestly educe blood pressure for those with high blood pressure, but not for people with normal blood pressure.

But they concluded that further research was still needed.


Eating more potassium has been found to help lower blood pressure - it’s particularly good for balancing out the negative effects of salt.

To reap the benefits of more potassium you should eat at least five portions of fruit and vegetables every day. One potassium-rich fruit is banana.

High blood pressure: Seven foods to include in your diet to help lower your reading

High blood pressure: Beetroot juice contains nitrates which can lower your reading (Image: GETTY)

High blood pressure: Seven foods to include in your diet to help lower your reading

High blood pressure: Flaxseeds has been found in studies to lower systolic and diastolic readings (Image: GETTY)

Beetroot juice

A study, again by Queen Mary University of London, found drinking a cup of beetroot juice each day could significantly lower the blood pressure of people with high blood pressure.

The effect was found to have been caused by the high levels of a chemical called nitrates, which is found in high quantities in beetroot.


Broccoli is high in the amino acid glutamic acid. In a Northwestern University Chicago study it was found higher dietary intake of the amino acid glutamic acid, from vegetables like broccoli, was linked to lower blood pressure.

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