Best supplements for skin: Three reasons this vitamin can keep your wrinkles at bay

BEST supplements for skin: As we get older one of people’s biggest skin concerns is lines, wrinkles and sagging. With hundreds of anti-ageing creams and ointments available on the market, could taking a supplement be the answer?

By Katrina Turrill, Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

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Supplements have been proven to help a host of different health problems, from bloating to arthritis. But is there one to help keep wrinkles at bay?

According to experts, vitamin A could be your secret anti-ageing weapon.

Also known as retinol, vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin which is believed to help cells reproduce normally.

According to Holland and Barrett there are three more lots of evidence to suggest vitamin A can help keep wrinkles at bay.

Vitamin A can help keep wrinkles at bay

The first lot of evidence it cites is a review of research published in the journal Dermato-Endocrinology in 2012.

As part of the research vitamin A applied as a cream was found to stimulate collagen production and elastic fibres in the skin.

It adds: “Collagen is a protein that’s essentially responsible for giving your skin firmness.

“The same review fond that retinol has a positive effect on combating extrinsic ageing - ‘outside’ factors including pollution and chemicals - and intrinsic ageing such as genetics or our hormones.”

A second study in 2016, carried out by the University of Michigan, found four weeks of retinol (another name for vitamin A) treatments changed the structure of the skin by increasing both epidermal thickness and collagen.

The high street health shop adds: “Facial image analysis also showed a significant reduction in wrinkles and fine lines after applying retinol for 12 weeks.”

Best supplements for skin: Three reasons this vitamin can keep your wrinkles at bay

Best supplements for skin: Vitamin A has been found to help retain youthfulness (Image: GETTY)

Finally, a 2012 review by German dermatologists showed vitamin A supplements can help achieve youthful skin.

Holland and Barrett says: “[They] revealed healthy volunteers taking vitamin A supplements, in the form of beta-carotene, over three months, had a reduction in UV-induced erythema - sun damaged skin - especially when combined with vitamin E.”

Certain supplements have also been found to help treat skin conditions, such as psoriasis

Taking omega-3 supplements when autoimmune skin conditions develop can help relieve the symptoms

Studies show that high-dose omega-3 supplements can improve the symptoms of redness, thickness, scaling and itching in psoriasis.

Best supplements for skin: Three reasons this vitamin can keep your wrinkles at bay

Best supplements for skin: Research has shown vitamin A cream can help banish wrinkles (Image: GETTY)

Best supplements for skin: Three reasons this vitamin can keep your wrinkles at bay

Best supplements for skin: Taking a vitamin A supplement has also been found to keep wrinkles at bay (Image: GETTY)

Eczema is another common skin condition which causes itchy, red, dry and cracked skin which omega-3 can help with.

People with eczema often have significantly lower levels of omega-3 fatty acids.

Research has also found that turmeric, an Ayurvedic (Indian medicine with historic roots) can also lessen eczema symptoms.

One 2015 study from Pakistan found that topical formulations containing turmeric eased itchiness, swelling and redness in eczema patients.

But when it comes to eczema, different treatments work for different sufferers.

For one toddler, who experienced an unbearable bout of eczema, waking up every night scratching herself, a £4 cream her mum found in a high street store, relieved her painful skin

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