Charlie Dimmock’s ‘secret garden’ is a big hit on Garden Rescue

A GRANDMOTHER fed up of staring at concrete and slate chippings in her back yard fell in love with Charlie Dimmock’s “secret garden”.

By Katrina Turrill , Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Family react to stunning garden created by Garden Rescue

Gran Lilian, Mum Carrie and daughter Morgan requested help from Charlie and the Rich brothers on BBC’s Garden Rescue when they wanted to transform their garden in Walsall into somewhere more private and relaxing. 

All three women described their existing garden as looking 'a lot like a car park', as the previous owners used the area as a driveway. 

One side of the garden was also completely exposed to a busy road, which meant no privacy for the ladies. 

With a £2,000 budget, the three generations of family hoped Charlie and the Rich brothers could come up with a more private and more green space. 

Garden BBC

The Rich brothers' design won but the family also fell in love with Charlie's 'secret garden'

The Rich brothers and Charlie drew up designs which focused on different things the women wanted. 

While the Rich brothers went for a more modern design, and focused on the privacy aspect of the garden, Charlie drew upon Lilian’s love of flowers and foliage. 

In the end, the fence in the Rich brothers’ design won Lilian and Carrie over. 

But Lilian had actually fallen in love with something included in Charlie’s mock up. 


Lilian and Carrie were fed up of staring at concrete

Lilian said: “What i would like to do, if it’s alright with Charlie, I’d like to pinch some of her design for that corner, if it’s alright with you two too.”

Lilian had fallen in love with the “secret garden” in Charlie’s design. 

This was situated in the corner of the garden and included a quiet starting area as well as a mirror to make the space look larger and pot plants. 

Charlie and the Rich brothers accepted Lilian’s request, and then looked at how both designs could come together. 

Garden BBC

Charlie used scraps from the skip to make Lilian's

The brothers spent most of the budget on the fence, so Charlie made use of items inside the skip to make Lilian’s “secret garden”. 

The family were very impressed at the end of the transformation. 

Lilian labelled her private haven “wine corner”, and together with her daughter, they looked forward to being able to sit out in the garden on a nice day with privacy.

This comes after Charlie found her boulders came second best on Garden Rescue. 

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