Contaminated chicken WARNING: Survey reveals if YOUR supermarket bird is safe to eat

FRESH shop-bought chickens have been part of a new survey to determine levels of campylobacter - the bacteria which causes food poisoning - and the Food Standards Agency has now revealed the results.

By Katrina Turrill , Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

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Chicken contamination warning: New survey reveals levels of campylobacter in supermarket chickens

The figures from the Food Standards Agency survey show that on average, across the market, 6.5 per cent of chickens tested positive for the highest level of contamination, carrying more than 1,000 colony forming units per gram (cfu/g). 

But this is down from 9.3 per cent, for the same period last year. 

These latest results are the second set of results from the FSA’s third annual retail survey, based on tests of 1,051 whole fresh chickens sampled during January to March 2017. 

The latest data from the survey found the retailers which had significantly lower levels compared to the average among all retailers were Marks & Spencer, Morrisons and Waitrose at 2.5 per cent, 2.8 per cent and 2.7 per cent respectively. 

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Chicken contamination warning: Levels of campylobacter have decreased since the last survey

They have invested a lot of effort and money into interventions to tackle the problem and it is showing clear results.

Discounter Lidl had the highest contamination prevalence of the highest bracket, at 9.2 per cent. 

Almost 17 per cent of chicken skin samples in smaller retailers and butchers were contaminated with campylobacter in the highest band. 

Heather Hancock, Chairman of the Food Standards Agency said: “It is good to see that levels continue to go down as this indicates that the major retailer and processors are getting to grips with campylobacter. These results give us a clear picture of the positive direction in which we are heading, and help us measure the impact of interventions that are being used to reduce contamination. 

“While results are reassuring, we want to see more progress among the smaller businesses, to achieve real and lasting reductions. 

“In the meantime, I am delighted to see the commitment and responsibility that the industry has shown, so far, in they efforts to provide consumers with food they can trust. 

“They have invested a lot of effort and money into interventions to tackle the problem and it is showing clear results.” 

The results for the first five months of the FSA’s third retail survey (published in March this year) showed that 7 per cent of chickens tested positive for the highest level of contamination, down from 12 per cent for the same period in 2015 and 20 per cent in 2014.

“This improvement in the highest levels of contamination is mirrored by the decrease in the number of human cases - an estimated 100,000 fewer cases of campylobacter in 2016. 

The results met the aims agreed by the FSA Board to reduce the number of people getting ill from the food poisoning. The reduction was estimated to lead to a direct saving to the economy of more than £13 million in terms of fewer days off work and NHS costs. 

Alex Neill, Which? Managing Director of Home Products and Services, said while it’s encouraging to see that overall levels of campylobacter in chickens are falling and that major retailers are meeting the FSA’s target, there is still work to be done.  

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Chicken contamination warning: Lidl had the highest contamination prevalence of the highest bracket

He added: “There is no room for complacency as the survey shows that levels can vary greatly depending on where consumers shop and in many cases over half of chickens are still contaminated.” 

Jonathan Neale, Managing Director of Buying at Aldi, said:

“The £2m we have invested in new technology and processes to tackle this industry-wide issue has significantly reduced the incidences of Campylobacter in our supply chain.

“We are continuing to work closely with our suppliers to make further reductions and actively support the FSA’s efforts to inform consumers about how to handle and cook chicken safely.”

A spokesman from Waitrose said: "Our results show how seriously we've taken this issue and demonstrates the success of our farm to fork Action Plan.

A Sainsbury’s spokesperson said, “Customer safety is always our top priority and our internal results show we’re well below the 7% target the retail industry aims for and 4% lower than the same period last year. We continue to reduce levels of campylobacter and have invested in new technology and ways of working, regularly testing chickens to check we’re making progress. We’re reviewing the FSA’s results and remain committed to maintaining our high standards.”

A spokesperson for The Co-op said: “Tackling campylobacter is an absolute priority for our business and we are working hard to reduce its levels. We were the first retailer to roll-out roast-in-bag packaging for all whole chickens to avoid the need to touch raw food and help reduce hygiene risks.

 "We have a comprehensive action plan in place and have introduced new measures." has contacted all supermarkets involved in the survey for further comment.

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