Roast dinners could be extinct by 2041 - and THIS is the reason why according to Brits

ROAST dinners could be extinct by 2041 and the answer why is simple - Brits are too lazy to cook them.

By Katrina Turrill , Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

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Roast dinners could be extinct by 2041

The roast dinner, be it meat-filled, vegetarian or vegan is a quintessentially British dish loved by everyone. 

But news has now emerged that the roast dinner is in such heavy decline it could be extinct by 2041. 

And global analysts KantarWorldpanel this is based on a continued decline of four per cent every year. 

According to research by McCain, 75 per cent of Brits have not cooked a roast in more than a month and one in 10 has not attempted to make one in six months. 

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75 per cent of Brits have not cooked a roast in more than a month

But in a poll run by McCain in November this year, which asked 2,000 British parents what their favourite family meal was, two different roast dinners made the top three. 

A roast chicken dinner was first, followed by Spaghetti Bolognese and then a roast beef dinner. 

So what are the reasons for Brits not cooking roast dinners? According to McCain it’s down to laziness. 

Of those surveyed, 72 per cent said they avoid cooking roasts as there are just too many stages involved in preparing the meal. 

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72 per cent said they avoid cooking roasts as there are just too many stages in preparing the meal

A further 28 per cent worry about the timing of all the components. 

One of Brits’ big concerns is getting the whole meal right, with 29 per cent getting anxiety over it. 

And 10 per cent say they don’t feel confident enough in their cooking abilities to make one.

In a bid to save the great British roast, celebrity chef Gino D’campo has partnered with McCain for the Roast Dinner Hack campaign. 

In a short video, less than two minutes long, Gino demonstrates how you could have a “stress free” Christmas when cooking your roast. 

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10 per cent say they don’t feel confident enough in their cooking abilities

He begins by tackling the centre piece of all Christmas dinners - the turkey. 

Turkey at Christmas can take hours to cook, but Gino recommends opting for turkey breasts rather than the whole bird. 

Wrap the breasts in a couple of slices of parma ham, then put butter in a pan followed by olive oil, so the butter doesn’t burn in the pan. 

Then place the breasts parma ham side down first. Once you turn them around, just add a splash of masala wine. 

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