Is your 'healthy' G&T making you fat? Drink has MORE calories than a can of Coca-Cola

SHOCKING research reveals 'healthy' tipple gin and tonic has more calories than a 330ml can of Coca-Cola.

By Katrina Turrill , Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise


Is gin and tonic actually healthy for you?

A gin and tonic has long been perceived as a 'healthy' alcoholic drink of choice.

But in actual fact, it is packed to the rafters with calories - more than a can of full fat Coca-Cola.

While a can of non-diet coke has 139 calories, one shot of gin and tonic can be around 150 calories.

Rob Hobson, Healthspan Head of Nutrition and author of The Detox Kitchen Bible, revealed to why people assume the popular beverage is a healthy choice.


Gin and tonic also has more calories than the equivalent measures of other alcoholic drinks

He said: "There is no healthy alcoholic drink unfortunately.

"Some people assume it is healthier because it is a spirit and you may only use one shot of alcohol but this is still one unit, the same as half a pint of beer and one small glass of wine (125ml)."

In terms of calories, one shot of gin (35ml) is around 75 calories, and if you add to that 250ml tonic water, then this takes the total number of calories up to 150.

This is more than the equivalent of other alcoholic drink options.

The shocking news comes after it was revealed a change in diet could be the key to curing acne.


A small glass of champagne has less calories than a gin and tonic

A 125ml glass of champagne is around 92 calories, a 125ml glass of white wine is 87 calories and half a pint of beer is 120 calories.

Rob also added that gin and tonics contain a lot of sugar - around 19g per serving.

Referring to tonic, he said: "Drinking any sugary soft drink will increase your calorie and added sugar intake, which can contribute to weight gain, especially if your diet overall is unhealthy.

"You can reduce the sugar and calorie value of gin and tonics by adding sugar-free tonic water, which is a better option.


Try adding fruit into your drink, with a low calorie mixer

"There is no evidence to suggest that artificial sweeteners are bad for you or that they can lead to an increased risk of disease according to both Cancer Research UK or the US National Cancer Institute.

"Evidence for sweeteners stimulating appetite is also inconsistent."

According to Rob, there are no healthy alcoholic drinks, so his advice is to just drink wisely and within the recommended limits for daily units.

He added: "If you are worried about the amount of sugar and calories in your drink then you could stick to a spirit with a low calorie mixer or soda water and flavour it with fruit, vegetables (cucumber) or herbs such as rosemary and mint."

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