The Military Diet: Lose ten pounds in a WEEK with three day diet plan - and NO exercise

THE MILITARY Diet, claimed to have been designed by nutritionists in the US military, is one way to drop a dress size - but what does it entail and is the strict dietary regime for you?

By Katrina Turrill , Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

What is the Three Day Military Diet?

The Military Diet is a strict eating plan to follow for three days and works well for people wanting to lose weight rapidly for a particular occasion. 

Similar to the 5:2 diet, it’s slightly different in that you have three days on the diet and four days off. 

For each of the three diet days only 1100-1400 calories can be consumed. 

Although the diet is designed to give you enough food, Shona Wilkinson, Nutritionist at, suspects people might still feel hungry on the three strict days. 

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The Military Diet: Drop ten pounds with this eating plan

The Military diet: Lose ten pounds in a week GETTY

The Military Diet: Only 1,100 to 1,400 calories can be consumed

She said: “It is designed for rapid weight loss and would probably work - you have to be prepared for the weight to go back on though as soon as you finish it. 

“But it would be incredibly boring to follow long term and you would have to adjust your life according to what days you are following it on - you couldn’t go out for lunch or dinner etc.” 

While the Military Diet may seem an extreme way to lose weight fast, it’s considered safe, except for people who have a requirement for a larger intake of calories - for example, people who do a lot of exercise or need more calories in their diet. 

“This amount of food might not be enough to sustain them and could result in them feeling weak,” said Shona. 

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The Military Diet: The plan includes sticking to a strict eating plan for three days

“It provides a good amount of protein to help you feel fuller for longer and also provides a good balance of protein and carbs. 

“A good balance of protein and carbs will help you have enough energy to get through the day and also help balance your blood sugar levels to help avoid cravings and slumps in energy. 

“Having said that, it may be that you can’t exercise as efficiently as usual on the days that you are following it.” 

The diet’s most suitable for someone who has an event to go to, such as a party or wedding, where they want to lose weight quickly. 

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The Military Diet: For four days you can eat what you want

One example of a meal plan, for one of the diet days, is five saltine crackers, one slice of cheddar and one small apple for breakfast, one hard boiled egg and a slice of toast for lunch, then one cup of tuna, half a banana and one cup of vanilla ice cream for dinner. 

Shona said: “The diet is very specific and it should be followed to the letter. 

“The ideas that you can eat what you want on the days off - but don’t go mad.” 

Exercise is not essential during the military diet, but light to moderate workouts are highly recommended and will enhance your fat loss results. 

Get rid of a flabby stomach with these tips by celebrity fitness trainer Faisal Abdalla. 

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