Martin Lewis points out pension change which Hunt ‘didn’t say’ in speech

Martin Lewis has highlighted a change to the Money Purchase Annual Allowance (MPAA) that the Chancellor did not mention in today's Spring Budget.

By Temie Laleye, Senior personal finance reporter with three years of experience specialising in the changes in mortgage and interest rates, benefits, side hustle success and personal scam stories.

Martin Lewis

Typical household energy bills will remain at £2,500 a year for at least three months from April 1 (Image: MARTIN LEWIS/GETTY)

The Money Saving Expert took to Twitter to explain which have been announced in the 2023 Spring Budget. explained that the amount people can put in their pension once they have begun drawdown has changed.

He tweeted: “Pensions big changes to limits.

“PLUS he didnt say but Money purchase allowance up from £4k to £10k. This is the amount you can put in your pension once you've already taken some of it. #Budget2023”

MPAA is a special restriction on the amount people can pay into their pension and still receive tax relief, once they've started taking it.

The MPAA kicks in when someone starts to access their pension pot for the first time. The MPAA replaces one’s annual allowance after they’ve started to draw their pension pots.


budget key points

The Money Purchase Annual Allowance is increasing from £4,000 to £10,000 (Image: EXPRESS)

Budget 2023 LIVE: Everything we learnt – from £11bn defence boost to slashing pint prices

Jeremy Hunt used the Budget to slash the price of pints in British pubs, which he said has been achieved as a result of post-Brexit freedoms.

He also announced a further £5 billion for the Ministry of Defence across the next two years, with £11 billion being allocated over the course of 5 years.

Follow the latest updates live HERE.

The MPAA was originally set at £4,000 but it’s been increased and is now £10,000.

It was created to stop people from trying to avoid tax on current earnings or gain tax relief twice, by withdrawing pension savings and then paying them straight back in again.

The main situations in which the MPAA is triggered are:

  • if someone takes their entire pension pot as a lump sum or start to take lump sums from their pension pot
  • if someone moves their pension pot money into flexi-access drawdown and start to take an income
  • if someone buys an investment-linked or flexible annuity where their income could go down
  • if they have a pre-April 2015 capped drawdown plan and start to take payments that exceed the cap.

Mr Lewis also highlighted the increase to the pension annal allowance and the scrapping of the lifetime allowance that Mr Hunt mentioned.

The annual allowance will increase from £40,000 to £60,000 from April 6, 2023, with three years carry forward remaining.

However, the lifetime allowance has been scrapped meaning there is no longer a £1million cap on how much people can put in a pension.

The Chancellor explained that this is to encourage health care workers such as GPs to stay in work without getting penalised.

martin lewis

Martin Lewis has explained key changes in the budget this afternoon (Image: GETTY)

Steven Cameron, pensions director at Aegon commented on the increase of the MPAA explaining that the Chancellor’s bumper pack of pension tax relaxations will come as a welcome boost to many individuals.

Scrapping the lifetime allowance coupled with increasing the annual allowance by 50 percent to £60,000 will be particularly beneficial to higher earners.

He said: “But while not mentioned in his Speech, the change which will benefit the greatest number of individuals is the increase in the little known Money Purchase Annual Allowance which will support a greater number of over 55s staying in or returning to the workplace.

“The Money Purchase Annual Allowance is increasing from £4,000 to £10,000. Many individuals over 55 who have taken income ‘flexibly’ from their money purchase pension may not have realised that by doing so, they reduce the maximum they can then save in a pension.

“They may have done so because they lost their job or needed extra funds to tide them over during the pandemic or the current cost of living crisis.

“At its previous level of £4,000, there was a real risk it stopped individuals re-entering the workforce from benefitting fully from the workplace pension that came with the job.”

Today the chancellor also announced that typical household energy bills will remain at £2,500 a year for at least three months from April 1.

The energy price guarantee has been extended which will be a big relief for many families who struggle to keep up with rising bills.

The announcement ahead of today's Budget follows a month-long campaign led by Mr Lewis, founder of, which has been backed by 130 charities and consumer organisations.

On his Twitter, Mr Lewis said: “CONFIRMED: The Energy Price Guarantee 20 percent rise has been postponed from April to July - meaning in practice it's cancelled. Exactly what my letter (below) to Chancellor asked for.

“Thanks to the govt for listening & to the 135 charities backing the campaign.”

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