Higher taxes ‘will be permanent’ in the UK as Hunt attempts to boost economy in Budget

Experts are predicting that Britons will have to pay more of their hard-earned cash to the taxman in years to come.

By Patrick O'Donnell, Personal Finance reporter with more than two years of experience specialising in UK and US-based money, retirement and savings news.

Woman doing finances

Britons are being told to expect higher taxes going forward (Image: GETTY)

Paul Johnson, the director of the Institute of Fiscal Studies (IFS), has sounded the alarm that high taxes “will be permanent” in the UK. This declaration comes shortly before Chancellor Jeremy Hunt’s Budget tomorrow (March 15) which is set to tackle the country’s stagnant economy.

The finance expert cited the lack of public appetite for reducing spending towards public services or defence as the main reason higher taxes will be “permanent” for at least 30 years.

Mr Hunt is set to announce a series of short-term measures to tackle the continuing cost of living crisis.

These include keeping the energy price guarantee at £2,500 and not going through with the proposed £500 hike.

Furthermore, Jeremy Hunt is rumoured to be considering the lifetime and annual allowances for pension savings.

READ MORE: Inheritance tax expert says now is a good time to use up allowance

HMRC tax letter

The tax burden will go up in the coming years (Image: Getty)

However, Mr Johnson outlined that the UK’s tax burden is set to increase to a record 37.5 percent by 2025.

In comparison, the country’s tax burden has had an average of 30 to 32 percent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) over the last 40 years.

As a result, taxpayers are likely going to have to pay more for years to come, according to the IFS’ director.

Speaking to the i, he explained: “My impression is that neither the electorate nor the Government … can see acceptable ways of significantly cutting spending.


“And if we are not going to (cut spending), this shift up in tax is something that will be permanent.

“Everyone wants better public services, they also want low tax. We could renege on our commitments to NATO and cust defence spending significantly.

“We could decide to shift up the state pension age but I don’t detect an appetite for these things.”

Last November, the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) forecast a recession in 2023 resulting from a 1.4 percent drop in GDP.

READ MORE: Recession fears continue despite UK economy growing

Jeremy Hunt

Mr Hunt will outline fiscal changes in tomorrow's Budget (Image: GETTY)

While the OBR is set to revise its review to reflect the growing consensus of a stagnant economy, the think tank’s head highlighted that the public purse is still “enormously worse” compared to last year.

Due to this, Mr Johnson does not believe Jeremy Hunt will be able to implement tax cuts in his Spring Budget.

In lieu of this, he recommended that the UK Government redirects its attention to improving relationships with the EU in a bid to get better access to the single market.

Mr Johnson added: “In terms of the growth of the economy, getting as close as we can to the European single market is quite important.

“I don’t have sense of what’s feasible, but more closeness would be beneficial.”

The UK has been hit with soaring interest rates and inflation-hiked prices for goods and services, which has stifled economic growth.

As it stands, the Bank of England has raised the base rate 10 consecutive times to four percent.

January 2023’s Consumer Price Index (CPI) rate of inflation came to 10.1 percent, which is a slight drop from months before, but still extremely high.

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