Cost of living warning: Energy bill scams on the rise - ‘Be extra vigilant!’

EXPERTS are warning the British public to "be extra vigilant" as cost of living scams are on the rise.

By Patrick O'Donnell, Personal Finance reporter with more than two years of experience specialising in UK and US-based money, retirement and savings news.

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The UK is experiencing a cost of living crisis which is being exacerbated by soaring inflation and energy bills. Currently, the nation’s inflation rate is sitting at 9.1 percent and is expected to reach as high as 11 percent later in the year. On top of this, households are dealing with a £693 annual rise to their energy bills with the price cap forecast to hit £3,200 by October.

This comes as recent research from Action Fraud has revealed that scammers are taking advantage of the continuing economic downturn to their own benefit.

Fraudsters are using the hike in inflation and energy bills to forward and grow their own scams.

Criminals who referred to one of the UK’s ‘big six’ energy firms in their correspondence with victims rose by 10 percent the past quarter compared to the same period last year.

According to Action Fraud’s research, the month of January alone experienced a 27 percent year-on-year rise.

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Cost of living warning: Energy bill scams on the rise - ‘Be extra vigilant!’ (Image: GETTY)

The primary scam method many fraudsters are using on people across the nation is phishing.

This involves scammers pretending to be energy suppliers through email and inviting customers to claim a refund.

Often this is falsely portrayed as being due to a ‘miscalculation’ on their bill however it is utilised to take personal and financial information from people.

Outside the cost of living crisis, examples of fraud by phishing include tax scams, fake insurance and holiday scams.


Vonny Gamot, the head of EMEA at McAfee, addressed why the hikes to the inflation rate and energy bills globally have given an opportunity for scammers to cause chaos.

Ms Gamot explained: “As the cost of living crisis continues to strike UK households, millions of consumers have found themselves in a position of worry trying to minimise spending.

“In tandem, we’ve seen a wave of new scams emerge over the last six months, with cyber criminals looking to exploit people’s vulnerabilities by pressuring them into handing over valuable information in exchange for saving money.

“The latest figures from Action Fraud, which show an alarming year-on-year rise in phishing attempts from cybercriminals posing as energy firms, is another stark reminder for consumers to be extra vigilant when it comes to sharing personal information online.”

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How much have energy bills gone up by? (Image: EXPRESS.CO.UK)

Recently, the Government has introduced a wave of financial support to address the cost of living crisis.

As part of the package, those on means-tested benefits are eligible for a £650 payment while pensioners are able to claim an extra £300.

With criminals targeting vulnerable people affected by the hike in bills, households could risk seeing these payments stolen from their bank accounts.

The scam expert shared how people can better protect themselves from these examples of fraud and what can be done to mitigate any damage.

She added: “Genuine organisations would never pressure you into sharing information, so take a minute to question the legitimacy of a correspondence.

“If it’s too good to be true, it probably is, so it’s best practice to call your energy provider and double check before sharing anything.

“On an individual level, safeguarding your online footprint requires a combination of robust security architecture along with good user hygiene, such as strong passwords and multi factor authentication.

“It may sound simple, but it will go a long way in deterring these cruel and opportunist hackers.”

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