PIP warning: Britons at risk of losing £628 a month if they fail to report changes to DWP

BENEFIT claimants are at risk of losing up to £628 a month in disability payments if they fail to report to the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP).

By Patrick O'Donnell, Personal Finance reporter with more than two years of experience specialising in UK and US-based money, retirement and savings news.

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Personal Independence Payment (PIP) is a disability benefit administered by the DWP to those who have a long-term disability or health condition. If someone in receipt of this benefit finds their condition or disability changes, they have a responsibility to report this development to the Government department. Claimants of PIP who fail to do this, either by withholding information or lying to the DWP, could see their financial support being taken away from them.

Examples of what counts as a material change in circumstances includes if someone’s condition gets better or worse, their doctor changes or personal details need to be updated.

Furthemore, if a PIP claimant leaves the country for an extended period of time, more than four weeks, they must inform the DWP of this change.

Recently, the DWP raised benefit payments by 3.1 percent in line with the Consumer Price Index (CPI) rate of inflation from last year.

As a result, the amount claimants get from PIP has also increased by this amount to help those vulnerable during the cost of living crisis.

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Britons at risk of losing £628 a month in disability benefits if they fail to report to DWP (Image: GETTY)

Currently, PIP is paid in two separate parts: a daily living component and a mobility component, which go towards different things.

The latter goes towards “getting around”, while the former helps with the payment of everyday tasks, according to the DWP.

Both have a higher and lower weekly rate which are awarded to claimants depending on the severity of their condition.

As it stands, the higher weekly rate for the daily living component of PIP is £92.40, while the mobility component at the same rate is £64.50.


This means that if a PIP claimant failed to report a life change to the DWP, they could be at risk of losing £628 a month if they claim both payments.

Various charitable organisations, such as Turn2us, have warned benefit claimants of the importance of reporting life changes to the DWP.

The charity stated: “Your award of PIP might change if something in your life changes. For example, if your health gets better, your PIP may go down or stop. If your health gets worse, your PIP may go up.

“It is up to you to tell the DWP when your condition gets better or worse. If you don’t tell the DWP at the time, you could miss out on benefits that you are entitled to or you could be overpaid benefits that you would have to pay back.


How much is PIP? (Image: EXPRESS.CO.UK)

“If you don't tell the DWP about changes when you should, you may be investigated for fraud.

“If you are an appointee for someone claiming PIP, for example you claimed PIP on behalf of your disabled child, you have responsibility for the claim. That means you must update the DWP about any changes.”

In order to report any changes to circumstances, applicants for PIP can contact the benefit payment enquiry line on 0800 121 4433.

The DWP’s helpline for potential PIP claimants is open during the working week, from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.

In recent months, the UK Government has made a conscious effort to promote its disability benefit payments to those who may be eligible.

Chloe Smith, the Minister for Disabled People, Health and Work, outlined why disabled people should get in contact with the DWP to see what support they are entitled to.

Ms Smith said: “Living with a long-term illness or disability can have a profound effect on daily life, both for those with a diagnosis and those who care for them.

“So it’s vitally important you are receiving all the help you are entitled to.

“Millions of people already receive this support and I would urge anyone who thinks they may be eligible for extra financial help to check online.”

Anyone who believes they are eligible to claim PIP should contact the DWP helpline or visit their local Jobcentre as soon as possible.

If due to their disability or condition they are unable to speak over the phone or attend an appointment, the DWP will allow someone to act on their behalf during the application process.

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