'PIP is not working!' Benefit claimants call for overhaul of DWP payment

BENEFIT claimants are calling for an overhaul and replacement of Personal Independence Payment (PIP).

By Patrick O'Donnell, Personal Finance reporter with more than two years of experience specialising in UK and US-based money, retirement and savings news.

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As part of its recent report, the Commission for Social Security brought together disability benefit claimants to discuss alternative options to PIP and other payments. As part of its report, the Commission believes the current services provided by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) are not “working as it should”. Specifically, the report is calling for a replacement for the PIP which includes non-means-tested support going from £83.70 to £230.77 a week to support the needs of disabled people.

PIP is the primary benefit payment which is designed to assist those with disabilities with the extra living expenses which arise from their condition, replacing Disability Living Allowance (DLA).

The benefit scheme is separated into two separate payments: a daily living component and a mobility component.

Through PIP, the daily living component covers costs from everyday tasks while the mobility component assists with travel expenses. Both payments have two different rates which are given on the circumstances of the claimant’s disability.

For the daily living component of PIP, the higher weekly rate is £89.60 while the lower rate is £60. The mobility’s component’s lower weekly rate is £23.70 while the higher weekly rate is £62.55.

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'PIP is not working!' Benefit claimants call for overhaul of DWP payment (Image: GETTY)

Specifically, the Commission has taken aim at the assessment process for PIP which it claims is “bad” and needs reformed.

Claimants need to go for PIP assessments to determine whether they are eligible for payment and how much they should get.

However, the charity Scope has claimed that 59 percent of PIP appeal cases that go to a tribunal are successfully overturned.

Speaking exclusively to Express.co.uk, Michael Orton, the Commission’s secretary, explaining why he thinks disabled Britons deserve better than PIP when it comes to being assessed.


Mr Orton said: “I think the only thing people can agree about PIP is it's not working from whatever perspective you come from. There seems to be ongoing Government reviews of disability support.

“We got to a point where we said, 'Let's start with a blank piece of paper'. We got a good group of disabled people together. One of the absolute key things (they mentioned) is the assessment process.

“That's where things have gone badly wrong. The assessment process is bad, they start from a position of distrusting and disbelieving people.

“It has become so complicated through pages and pages of questions, and constant reassessments. If you look at the figures for appeals against the DWP, it shows the basic system is not working.


How much is PIP? (Image: EXPRESS.CO.UK)

“We devised a framework for that assessment that's actually based on real people. Instead of a system that treats everybody like they are characters in Little Britain, where they are faking it, our ethos says we are all British citizens, we're all going to look out for each other.

“We're not going to scapegoat each other. We're going to support each other and start from a place of asking what support is needed on a day-to-day basis.”

The social security expert also went into detail about how the Commission came together to form its proposals and why radical changes to the benefits system may be necessary.

Mr Orton added: “There's been a long history of not listening to people who've actually claimed benefits and there's an argument that a lot of problems with Universal Credit would have been avoided if we had just asked people who actually see how things work in practice.

“This project (the Commission) has been a mix of people, some currently in receipt of benefits, some who have been in the past and people who claimed a whole range of things for different reasons .

“Examples include someone who had an industrial injury and could not work after it. We've got some people who have lifelong disabilities which mean they can work for a while but their health flares up and they cannot work.

“It's a whole range of people with different experiences but what they have in common is they have all had to go through the process of applying for social security, they have seen how the system works and seen behind the curtain.

“We've lost the lesson that the 1945 generation learned that social security is important to all of us. If you have a good, robust Social Security system in Britain then you do not need all the other things the Government pays for.”

Express.co.uk has contacted the DWP asking for comment.

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